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Olivio Bertolli - Football [Olivio Bertolli]

TV Commercial
AdvertiserUnilever Bestfoods
BrandOlivio Bertolli
DirectorPaul Gay
Production DesignerClaudia Southgate, Verity Fenner
Production Company(Tony Cantale)
AgencyBartle Bogle Hegarty
AwardsIPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, 2002 (Silver)
IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, 2002 (Best International)
IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards, 2002 (Effectiveness Agency of the Year <รบ100m)
Biz SectorEatable Fat Products
Script/Written byClaudia Southgate, Verity Fenner
Sound MixStereo
Spot NameFootball [Olivio Bertolli]
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown

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