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# 16 21 years ago

> : i'm not sure but i am dying to know my self ..the lyrics go something like .. i love kickin it with my friends hopin it'll never end ..and and twinssss
:> then something about heres to love songs
> The name of the 'because we can can can' song is Fatboy Slip's 'Because we can', I believe.
> And the lyrice of the 'I love football on tv' song is:
: 'I love football on tv
: Shots of Gina Lee
: Hanging with my friends
: And twins
: I love burritos at four a.m.
: Parties that never end
: Dogs that love cats
: And..and twins
: And I love you too
: Here's to love songs!'
> Man, I am looking for the mp3 of this song too.
OK everyone, Check it.......

# 17 21 years ago

The answer was in this thread.
# 18 21 years ago

I found the Commercial with the song 'I love football on TV...' you guys know the rest. I used quicktime to export the sound from it and now have a wav of it. If anyone is interested in getting this from me, IM me on AOL at MazMan007 I'll be more than happy to share it with you. I also have the other 2 songs the 'because we can' and 'party hard' if anyone's interested in those too.

# 19 21 years ago

The lyrics for 'I love football on tv' song Wayne Posted are incorrect. The correct lyrics are as followed:
'I love football on tv
Shots of Gena Lee
Hanging with my friends
I love burritos at four a.m.
Parties that never end
Dogs that love cats
And..and twins
And I love you too
Here's to love songs!'
Which is sung by 'Kid Rock'. Trust me, These are correct. I'm a huge kid rock fan!! :-D hehehe
# 20 21 years ago

I agree. I love this song! I dunno, if Wayne's right with the Name and everyone. Does anyone know the correct name or singer/band? Can someone confirm?
If anyone knows, please please please email me! Thanx!
# 21 21 years ago

Please send me the lyrics of when the stars go blue with the Bono performance and the coors
# 22 21 years ago

The fatboy slim song is indeed 'Because We Can' and it can be found on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack.

# 23 21 years ago

That sux! Somebody needs to tell whoever played it to release a CD or something... It has a good sound and is constantly stuck in my head.
...damn beer commercials anyways...
# 24 21 years ago

there's a new commercial that was on
thursday night NFL aug 5.
and what i wanna know is, who are those twins (a) and who are the cheerleaders (second).
the song has been re-lyricked but it doesn't compare, really, to the first 'dogs who love cats' with that dog goin' bat-crap crazy tryin to get that cat.
watch football.
see the commercial!
impress your ftiends!

# 25 21 years ago

According to coors this is just a commercial jingle they have been getting calls about the song.
That song would be a huge single.

# 26 21 years ago

After much searching, I finnaly gave up and emailed Coors. This was their responce--->
'We're happy to hear that the 'Love Songs' commercial caught your eye! We're excited about the new ad campaigns for all of our products.
The lyrics for 'Love Songs' were written by our ad agency, Foote Cone & Belding, based on a parody of a song written by Tom T. Hall. A studio band performed the song.
We have other great news! The studio musicians who performed for the commercial have formed a group called Sub 16. Sub 16 will be releasing a CD sometime in the fall through Helium Records. Watch for it! We hope this information was helpful.'
# 27 21 years ago

> I don't really know that artist, but I want to know the artist of the other Coors commercial where it is like a fast paced YA YA YA YA, anyone would know what I am talking about because it is an awesome party song. Any help would be great.
The one you're looking for, Brian, is 'Because We Can' by Fat Boy Slim.

# 28 21 years ago

dude, there are 2 coors lite commercials, one w/ the whole 'burritos at 4 am' & love songs, and the other is the 'pom-pom's and short skirts' version-lyrics anyone...trying to fin mp3...
# 29 21 years ago

Ella Michealini
I really, really want the song for that twins song, but 'i love football on tv' doesn't seem to get any results!!!!!!!
Please, if anyone knows another title, e-mail me!!!!
# 30 21 years ago

If anyone finds this MP3 PLEASE e-mail me the site

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