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Coors comercial

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# 1 22 years ago

Who is the artist and what is the name of the song in the recently shown Coors commercial. Lyrics of the song are
'I love....
I love twins
I love shoots of (some models name)
I love.....'
any ideas?

# 2 21 years ago

i'm not sure but i am dying to know my self ..the lyrics go something like .. i love kickin it with my friends hopin it'll never end ..and and twinssss
then something about heres to love songs
# 3 21 years ago

I don't really know that artist, but I want to know the artist of the other Coors commercial where it is like a fast paced YA YA YA YA, anyone would know what I am talking about because it is an awesome party song. Any help would be great.

# 4 21 years ago

If there are any experts out there, what is the name of the song in the commercial with the 'Why do we...' theme, and the song in the background that says 'because he can, can, can!'

# 5 21 years ago

> i'm not sure but i am dying to know my self ..the lyrics go something like .. i love kickin it with my friends hopin it'll never end ..and and twinssss
: then something about heres to love songs
The name of the 'because we can can can' song is Fatboy Slip's 'Because we can', I believe.
And the lyrice of the 'I love football on tv' song is:
'I love football on tv
Shots of Gina Lee
Hanging with my friends
And twins
I love burritos at four a.m.
Parties that never end
Dogs that love cats
And..and twins
And I love you too
Here's to love songs!'
Man, I am looking for the mp3 of this song too.
# 6 21 years ago

I don't know who sings the new one, but it is a remake of an old country song by Tom T. Hall called 'I Love'. They lyrics are different and they don't sound too much alike, but it is definitely a reworked version of this song, so I imagine the title has stayed the same. If anyone can find the new group who sings this, let me know...

:> i'm not sure but i am dying to know my self ..the lyrics go something like .. i love kickin it with my friends hopin it'll never end ..and and twinssss
:> then something about heres to love songs
> The name of the 'because we can can can' song is Fatboy Slip's 'Because we can', I believe.
> And the lyrice of the 'I love football on tv' song is:
: 'I love football on tv
: Shots of Gina Lee
: Hanging with my friends
: And twins
: I love burritos at four a.m.
: Parties that never end
: Dogs that love cats
: And..and twins
: And I love you too
: Here's to love songs!'
> Man, I am looking for the mp3 of this song too.

# 7 21 years ago

I'd also like to know......
PLEASE RESPOND if anyone knows!!!

# 8 21 years ago

> I don't really know that artist, but I want to know the artist of the other Coors commercial where it is like a fast paced YA YA YA YA, anyone would know what I am talking about because it is an awesome party song. Any help would be great.
FAT BOY SLIM - 'because we can'

# 9 21 years ago

Please Post title if you find MP3

# 10 21 years ago

> Who is the artist and what is the name of the song in the recently shown Coors commercial. Lyrics of the song are
: 'I love....
: I love twins
: I love shoots of (some models name)
: I love.....'
> any ideas?

Here's the information that I have found. The song is a remake of an old song by Tom T. Hall, but the lyrics are changed. The ad agency is the one who rewrote the lyrics and it is song by a random studio band. There are no other recordings of the song.

# 11 21 years ago

OMG! I've been looking for that song for so long now! PLEASE help both of us out if you know it!
# 12 21 years ago

> Who is the artist and what is the name of the song in the recently shown Coors commercial. Lyrics of the song are
: 'I love....
: I love twins
: I love shoots of (some models name)
: I love.....'
> any ideas?

# 13 21 years ago

anyone know who the twin models are? is one girl they 'morphed'?
(please email reply since i do not check this often)
# 14 21 years ago

> If there are any experts out there, what is the name of the song in the commercial with the 'Why do we...' theme, and the song in the background that says 'because he can, can, can!'
: Thanks.
I think its Fat Boy Slim -because i can

# 15 21 years ago

i love burritos at four a.m. partys that never end, .......and twins

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