Artist | Blume |
Song | Piove Piano |
Album | In Tedesco Vuol Dire Fiore |
Director | Isabella Panero |
Director of Photography | Roberto Galassini |
Music | Blume |
Editor | Isabella Panero |
Genre | Rock |
Intro | No |
Outro | No |
Production Company | Visive |
Distribution | Audioglobe |
Label | Pippola Music |
Lyrics | Blume |
Mixed by | Paolo Favati |
Notes | Blume is a small indiepop orchestra. Blume is a female. The band comes from a very industrialized area of Italy, where movements are mechanicals and unpersonal. Songs living between post-pop and glitch, noise and indietronica, with a pleasant approach. The electronic sounds is a playground where sweet melodies and complex rymtical joints can freely float above. Blume is a pop-lab. It's a work in progress, where musicians are involved to create an unique sonic paste. A perfect mix between melancholy and soft irony. |
Original Music Label | Pippola Music |
Original Music Publishing | Pippola Music |
Runtime | 3:30 |
Runtime | 4:20 |
Script/Written by | Isabella Panero |
Sound Mix | Stereo |
Talent | Blume |
Technical Specifications | colour - Professional Tape (Betacam SP/SX, etc.) |
Release date |