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Clipland Forum Hilary Duff

e-mail Hilary Duff

(Messages 31 to 45 of 169 (Page 3 of 12) ) << Last 15 messages | Next 15 messages >> Post Reply
# 31 18 years ago

dear hillary duff get f**ked no 1 lyks u so go piss off ur fans r all kids dosnt that mean anything 2 u u f**king loser with no neck i h8 u an if i eva saw u id bash the crap out of u its ppl lyk u that make me sick ppl that cant sing u no retardes! so why dont u move aside and let ppl who can sing do the work ohh and u cant fuking act etha im hell pissed that i spent $12 on a ticket 2 c ur movie and io walked out in the first 20 minutes so u can get f**ked 4 being a waist of time and a waist of space ohhh and a few tips lose sum weight ur starting 2 really pak it on get sum lipo suktion on ur arms they look lyk menschsages and grow a neck ohhh and dont wear ur hair up u look lyk nuts and stop fuking taking ur sister everywere with u wat r u scared without her u dum pregnant dog!!!!!!!!!!!every one h8 u piss off! ps ur not kewl caus u wear a PUNK skirt or a punk top caus ur not punk ur a mokary ur so sad u think ur sooo hard core but ur a compleat fool ppl just laugh at u!!!!! u create posers!!!!!!!!!!
# 32 18 years ago

dear hillary duff get f**ked no 1 lyks u so go piss off ur fans r all kids dosnt that mean anything 2 u u f**king loser with no neck i h8 u an if i eva saw u id bash the crap out of u its ppl lyk u that make me sick ppl that cant sing u no retardes! so why dont u move aside and let ppl who can sing do the work ohh and u cant fuking act etha im hell pissed that i spent $12 on a ticket 2 c ur movie and io walked out in the first 20 minutes so u can get f**ked 4 being a waist of time and a waist of space ohhh and a few tips lose sum weight ur starting 2 really pak it on get sum lipo suktion on ur arms they look lyk menschsages and grow a neck ohhh and dont wear ur hair up u look lyk nuts and stop fuking taking ur sister everywere with u wat r u scared without her u dum pregnant dog!!!!!!!!!!!every one h8 u piss off! ps ur not kewl caus u wear a PUNK skirt or a punk top caus ur not punk ur a mokary ur so sad u think ur sooo hard core but ur a compleat fool ppl just laugh at u!!!!! u create posers!!!!!!!!!!
# 33 18 years ago

dear hillary duff get f**ked no 1 lyks u so go piss off ur fans r all kids dosnt that mean anything 2 u u f**king loser with no neck i h8 u an if i eva saw u id bash the crap out of u its ppl lyk u that make me sick ppl that cant sing u no retardes! so why dont u move aside and let ppl who can sing do the work ohh and u cant fuking act etha im hell pissed that i spent $12 on a ticket 2 c ur movie and io walked out in the first 20 minutes so u can get f**ked 4 being a waist of time and a waist of space ohhh and a few tips lose sum weight ur starting 2 really pak it on get sum lipo suktion on ur arms they look lyk menschsages and grow a neck ohhh and dont wear ur hair up u look lyk nuts and stop fuking taking ur sister everywere with u wat r u scared without her u dum pregnant dog!!!!!!!!!!!every one h8 u piss off! ps ur not kewl caus u wear a PUNK skirt or a punk top caus ur not punk ur a mokary ur so sad u think ur sooo hard core but ur a compleat fool ppl just laugh at u!!!!! u create posers!!!!!!!!!!
# 34 18 years ago

> Dear Hilary Duff,
>i am soooo obseesed with you and many kids arent my freinds because of that but you are sooo worth it! i love your music because it teaches me something about myself. i really wish i could go to one of your concerts. it would mean the world to me and i have actually tried but you werent doing any concerts but i will always look up to you even if i dont get to go to a concert! i am your #1 fan!!!!!
# 35 18 years ago

omg..hilary ,i am one of your biggest fan i would say number one ,but there are so many "number one fans"out there but i am a huge fan, i do alot of reading magizines and stuff so i knoe alot about you, any way i knoe you probley hear this alot but .....never would be soooooo awesome if you e-mailed me back i wouldn't tell any body your e-mail adress or any thing , well, i got to go...bye!!!!
# 36 18 years ago

dear hilary duff , every thing i said last month ..i was lying and guess what i hate your guts ...get a voice...i love lindsey lohan ,and by the way you have an ugly boyfriend...
# 37 18 years ago

> > Dear Hilary Duff,
> > I went to your concert on the 30. I really want you to e-mail me at grm716. I am your #1 fan.
# 38 18 years ago

> > Dear Hilary Duff,
> > I went to your concert on the 30. I really want you to e-mail me at grm716. I am your #1 fan.
# 39 18 years ago

> Dear Hilary Duff,
> I went to your concert on the 1st. I really want you to e-mail me at sammybri428 I am your #1 fan. this is so cool.could i have your phone#?and e-mail adress.
# 40 18 years ago

> Dear Hilary Duff,
> I went to your concert on the 30. I really want you to e-mail me at grm716. I am your #1 fan.
# 41 18 years ago

> Dear Hilary Duff,
> I went to your concert on the 30. I really want you to e-mail me at grm716. I am your #1 fan.
> i am looking 4 hillary's email if ne one finds it... PLZ EMAIL ME!!!!!
# 42 18 years ago

> Dear Hilary Duff,
We love your songs. We wish we could go to one of your concerts but we never do.
What is your favorite color?
Who is your favorits acctress and singer?
What is your favorite store to shop at?
where in the country are you?
Wair is your favorite vacation spot?
E-Mail us back.

From Shannon,Alexis,Tina
# 43 18 years ago

> Dear Hilary Duff,
> I went to your concert on the 30. I really want you to e-mail me at grm716. I am your #1 fan.
# 44 18 years ago

> Dear Hilary Duff,
i wish this is hillaryduff i need some a penpa and im wondering if you can be mine
# 45 18 years ago

dear hilary duff
> i went to your concert it was fun
pless e mail me back if it ses yahoo ide
then put swmmingfish617 and then if it seas
putpaowd then put kay 0617
i mem where nubbr 1 fan . ilove so much.
(Messages 31 to 45 of 169 (Page 3 of 12) ) << Last 15 messages | Next 15 messages >>

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