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song in burger king commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

Hello does anyone know the name of the song in that BK commercial or a possible link so i can download it? The commerical is kinda old but it came right after those chicken fries commercial with that band. The one where they show football clips and its kinda like a marching band playing the song, thanks.
# 2 18 years ago

The song in the BK NFL commercial is called Round Up. I downloaded it off of LimeWire.
# 3 18 years ago

Yes, its called roundup! i can email it to you if you want, i was also looking for this song and i know how frustrating it is!
# 4 18 years ago

The song for that commercial is called "Round Up".
But does anyone know what the song is for the bk commerical, where the lions are playing the cowboys. I have been told it is called "A Tradition of Honor" by Tom Hedden, but I cant find anywhere to download it. I have searched for it on Lime Wire, but I cant find it. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it
# 5 18 years ago

> Hello does anyone know the name of the song in that BK commercial or a possible link so i can download it? The commerical is kinda old but it came right after those chicken fries commercial with that band. The one where they show football clips and its kinda like a marching band playing the song, thanks.
Look into Steve Sabol andthe making of NFL Films....I've seen the musicians actually recording this music in a studio,while watching what they're playing too......
# 6 18 years ago

> Yes, its called roundup! i can email it to you if you want, i was also looking for this song and i know how frustrating it is!

hey can you tell me the name of the artist
# 7 18 years ago

Can you send me the song???

# 8 18 years ago

Does anyone know the song or who sings the techno song on the Burger King commercial? The commercial where the burgers mimic the bass display?
# 9 18 years ago

> Yes, its called roundup! i can email it to you if you want, i was also looking for this song and i know how frustrating it is!
# 10 18 years ago

> Yes, its called roundup! i can email it to you if you want, i was also looking for this song and i know how frustrating it is!
# 11 18 years ago

> Yes, its called roundup! i can email it to you if you want, i was also looking for this song and i know how frustrating it is!
# 12 18 years ago

Thankyou, this song is pretty amazing!
# 13 18 years ago

Is there any way you could email that song to me. If so, thanks.

> Yes, its called roundup! i can email it to you if you want, i was also looking for this song and i know how frustrating it is!
# 14 18 years ago

I want the song to!! i CAN'T FIND THAT SONG ROUNDUP ANYWHERE! Can anyone get that song for me. Email it to me
# 15 18 years ago

> Hello does anyone know the name of the song in that BK commercial or a possible link so i can download it? The commerical is kinda old but it came right after those chicken fries commercial with that band. The one where they show football clips and its kinda like a marching band playing the song, thanks.
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