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New Xmas JCPenny Ad

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# 1 18 years ago

what's the name of hte latest JCPenny ad, whre they have the mouse pointer clicking on red gift-wrapped packages? Please help!
# 2 18 years ago

> what's the name of hte latest JCPenny ad, whre they have the mouse pointer clicking on red gift-wrapped packages? Please help!
is this the one with the words something like riding the crest of the wave is like magic? slipping and sliding and ... it's magic? that is the one i am looking to figure out!
# 3 18 years ago

> > what's the name of hte latest JCPenny ad, whre they have the mouse pointer clicking on red gift-wrapped packages? Please help!
> is this the one with the words something like riding the crest of the wave is like magic? slipping and sliding and ... it's magic? that is the one i am looking to figure out!
# 4 18 years ago

> > > what's the name of hte latest JCPenny ad, whre they have the mouse pointer clicking on red gift-wrapped packages? Please help!
> > is this the one with the words something like riding the crest of the wave is like magic? slipping and sliding and ... it's magic? that is the one i am looking to figure out!
> thats funny after seeing the commercial i loved the song and came running to my computer to find lyrics or the name of the song. as of now i cannot find anything on it so if anyone has an idea please help me figure it out! thanks
# 5 18 years ago

The song is called "its a living thing" and ELO sing it or Electric Light Orchestra
# 6 18 years ago

Yeah! Who is that? It sounds like George Harrison at the beginning and then the second part of the song sounds like a totally different artist. HMMM>>>sure is catchy.

> > > what's the name of hte latest JCPenny ad, whre they have the mouse pointer clicking on red gift-wrapped packages? Please help!
> > is this the one with the words something like riding the crest of the wave is like magic? slipping and sliding and ... it's magic? that is the one i am looking to figure out!
# 7 18 years ago

Yeah! Who is that? It sounds like George Harrison at the beginning and then the second part of the song sounds like a totally different artist. HMMM>>>sure is catchy.

> > > what's the name of hte latest JCPenny ad, whre they have the mouse pointer clicking on red gift-wrapped packages? Please help!
> > is this the one with the words something like riding the crest of the wave is like magic? slipping and sliding and ... it's magic? that is the one i am looking to figure out!
# 8 18 years ago

The song is called "Livin' Thing" and is performed by Electric Light Orchestra. I love that commercial. It really puts me in the holiday spirit!
# 9 18 years ago

> > > what's the name of hte latest JCPenny ad, whre they have the mouse pointer clicking on red gift-wrapped packages? Please help!
> > is this the one with the words something like riding the crest of the wave is like magic? slipping and sliding and ... it's magic? that is the one i am looking to figure out!
The song is by the Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), its called "It's a Living thing"

# 10 18 years ago

Its called "Livin' Thing" By ELO (Electic Light Orchestra)

> > > what's the name of hte latest JCPenny ad, whre they have the mouse pointer clicking on red gift-wrapped packages? Please help!
> > is this the one with the words something like riding the crest of the wave is like magic? slipping and sliding and ... it's magic? that is the one i am looking to figure out!
# 11 18 years ago

> > > what's the name of hte latest JCPenny ad, whre they have the mouse pointer clicking on red gift-wrapped packages? Please help!
> > is this the one with the words something like riding the crest of the wave is like magic? slipping and sliding and ... it's magic? that is the one i am looking to figure out!
# 12 18 years ago

Electric Light Orchestra--Linvin thing

> > > what's the name of hte latest JCPenny ad, whre they have the mouse pointer clicking on red gift-wrapped packages? Please help!
> > is this the one with the words something like riding the crest of the wave is like magic? slipping and sliding and ... it's magic? that is the one i am looking to figure out!
# 13 18 years ago

I wanna know, too =/
# 14 18 years ago

> > > what's the name of hte latest JCPenny ad, whre they have the mouse pointer clicking on red gift-wrapped packages? Please help!
> > is this the one with the words something like riding the crest of the wave is like magic? slipping and sliding and ... it's magic? that is the one i am looking to figure out!
It's "Livin' Thing" by the Electric Light Orchestra.

It's "Livin' Thing" by the Electric Light Orchestra.
# 15 18 years ago

> > > what's the name of hte latest JCPenny ad, whre they have the mouse pointer clicking on red gift-wrapped packages? Please help!
> > is this the one with the words something like riding the crest of the wave is like magic? slipping and sliding and ... it's magic? that is the one i am looking to figure out!
living things by elo

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