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(Messages 16 to 30 of 171 (Page 2 of 12) ) << Last 15 messages | Next 15 messages >> Post Reply
# 16 18 years ago

> Eminem I am the biggest fan can you send a photo to
> I wanted to go to the concert,so can you ceep in contact if you wright back that will be great.
> This is great to even talk to you, I am going to tell people at school.
> Question:
> How long did you know Tupac?
> Could I one day meet you?
> Jake Gregory (10)
# 17 18 years ago

> Eminem I am the biggest fan can you send a photo to
> I wanted to go to the concert,so can you ceep in contact if you wright back that will be great.
> This is great to even talk to you, I am going to tell people at school.
> Question:
> How long did you know Tupac?
> Could I one day meet you?
> Jake Gregory (10)
# 18 18 years ago

> Eminem I am the biggest fan can you send a photo to
> I wanted to go to the concert,so can you ceep in contact if you wright back that will be great.
> This is great to even talk to you, I am going to tell people at school.
> Question:
> How long did you know Tupac?
> Could I one day meet you?
> Jake Gregory (10)
# 19 18 years ago

> Eminem I am the biggest fan can you send a photo to
> I wanted to go to the concert,so can you ceep in contact if you wright back that will be great.
> This is great to even talk to you, I am going to tell people at school.
> Question:
> How long did you know Tupac?
> Could I one day meet you?
> Jake Gregory (10)
# 20 18 years ago

> Eminem I am the biggest fan can you send a photo to
> I wanted to go to the concert,so can you ceep in contact if you wright back that will be great.
> This is great to even talk to you, I am going to tell people at school.
> Question:
> How long did you know Tupac?
> Could I one day meet you?
> Jake Gregory (10)
# 21 18 years ago

> Eminem I am the biggest fan can you send a photo to
> I wanted to go to the concert,so can you ceep in contact if you wright back that will be great.
> This is great to even talk to you, I am going to tell people at school.
> Question:
> How long did you know Tupac?
> Could I one day meet you?
> Jake Gregory (10)
# 22 18 years ago

> >>hi eminem
> >>im your bigest bigest fan
> >>i have pictures of you evry where
> >>love brianna
# 23 18 years ago

how are a photo
> I wanted to go to the concert,so can you ceep in contact if you wright back that will be great.
> This is great to even talk to you, I am going to tell people at school.
> Question:
> How long did you know Tupac?
> Could I one day meet you?
# 24 18 years ago

how are a photo
> I wanted to go to the concert,so can you ceep in contact if you wright back that will be great.
> This is great to even talk to you, I am going to tell people at school.
> Question:
> How long did you know Tupac?
> Could I one day meet you?
# 25 18 years ago

# 26 18 years ago

> >>hi eminem
> >>im your bigest bigest fan
> >>i have pictures of you evry where
> >>
> sup plz respond if u can just seeing if this thing works lol
# 27 18 years ago

hi eminem i love u so much i think u are the cuttest guy i ever saw and i love ur daughter hailie i think she is so cute i would really love to meet u one day all my friends say that the seen u live but thats i want is to me u live that would be great ilove u so much if u ever have a chance to write to me write to me on
ilove u write to me plz
# 28 18 years ago

Eminem I really wish I could meet you,you are the best rapper there ever could be. I wish you could come down to Seadrift,Texas to meet my friends and to have a big concert. That is probably pretty impossible because you are such a busy man,but I think it would be sooooooooooo awesome. Please consider this. My friends would praise me. Which is not something that would normally happen,because I am considered a nerd because I am 1 of the 2 smartest kids in my class. So please consider coming down.
# 29 18 years ago

Eminem I really wish I could meet you,you are the best rapper there ever could be. I wish you could come down to Seadrift,Texas to meet my friends and to have a big concert. That is probably pretty impossible because you are such a busy man,but I think it would be sooooooooooo awesome. Please consider this. My friends would praise me. Which is not something that would normally happen,because I am considered a nerd because I am 1 of the 2 smartest kids in my class. So please consider coming down.
# 30 18 years ago

Eminem I really wish I could meet you,you are the best rapper there ever could be. I wish you could come down to Seadrift,Texas to meet my friends and to have a big concert. That is probably pretty impossible because you are such a busy man,but I think it would be sooooooooooo awesome. Please consider this. My friends would praise me. Which is not something that would normally happen,because I am considered a nerd because I am 1 of the 2 smartest kids in my class. So please consider coming down.
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