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email hillary duff

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# 16 18 years ago

hi hillary i really want to meet you i love your new single and i still love lizzie mcguire i think it's great one day i hope i can be just like you but i live in england

email me back looking forward to read your e mail

bye bye
# 17 18 years ago

> hi hillary i really want to meet you i love your new single and i still love lizzie mcguire i think it's great one day i hope i can be just like you but i live in england
> email me back looking forward to read your e mail
> bye bye
# 18 18 years ago

> Hillary, can you Please come to Everett to meet Jesse Dukes and Lauren Angiolillo. Can you come to Lauren's house when you get the chance so we can go up to get Jesse so we can go to the movies together.

Love your biggest fans Jesse Dukes and Lauren Angiolillo.


P.S. Please write back A.S.A.P. (As soon as possible)
# 19 18 years ago

hi hillary i am a mega fan of ures if u can can u email me back plz by the way i love ure film raise ure voice
# 20 18 years ago

dear hillary ,
Hi hillary, this is a serious letter. I am an artist from long island , my newest album came out october 28th, as a matter of fact. I believe it or not put your name in a song it was a funny line under the right light could actually be taken flirtatiously i guess. As of recently everytime i see you on t.v. though you don't look like the same girl i once knew(even though i never trully knew you), and yet you may be, i watched the interview wear you explained why you have been eating less of certain foods and stuff and i sincerely hope that is a fact . I would hate to believe it is the result of another cause .I , personally, will think you look beautiful regardless of your wieght , but even i have to admit , i loved the way you looked . in fact i miss it . I never would have put someones name in a song if i was stating how i trully feel or felt at that time. you should listen to it . ( hell you prolly won't even read this e-mail)but any way i thought you should hear the opinion who not a sixteen year old girl or a 35 year old critic i'm am a fellow artist ( not as famous as you , obviously)and i had a crush on you when i was younger sooooo. I am all grown up now and am over the past but on a real tip hillary i miss the old you theres gotta be a way to keep your pores clean and still look as beautiful as you did ( again , not that you don;t now) i believe their is a way .

concerned and checking you out,

tom ahlers
a.k.a. - vicious

p.s. will you marry me lol , just kidding, unless the answer is yes
# 21 18 years ago

Hey, Hillary
I am such a huge fan of yours. I love watching lizzie mcguire everyday at 530 on family channel. I heard you are coming to sudbury i would LOVE to see you but the tickets sold out to fast:( I am very disappointed about that well....I have to go now PLZ E-MAIL ME BACK!!!!!i will try and e-mail you back soon

Love Alywas from one of your biggest fans:
Meagan xoxo luv ya
# 22 18 years ago

Hillary hi my name is Nicole. Your next song should be about animals because all the girls voted for animals at my school.If you want though. But I now alot of stuff you might want to sing. Well bye Hillary you can email me if you want.
# 23 18 years ago

> Hillary, I am like your bigest fan. I havea question since IS am your bigest fan will you send me your newest cdset. At P.O.Box 557 Please!! From Shamalana Storm Moravec.

PS. Please email back.
# 24 18 years ago

hiya hillary i am ur biggest fan ever!i lobve u so much and please can u do a concert in manchester uk.
write back please.
# 25 18 years ago

Hi Hillay
My name is Caitlyn Short I am your biggest fan I am 9 years old. I love your music alot I have all your C.Ds Me and my friend hope love your music!

# 26 18 years ago


# 27 18 years ago

# 28 18 years ago

hey hillary i love your music i wish i could meet you i got all your c.ds!

# 29 18 years ago

hey im your BIGGEST FAN! and i mean it i have all your posters on my walls all your cds all the films your in im obbessed! please email me back are you doing a tour in england ? please do i'll be first ticket buyer! and i hope to get back stage passes thanks love Alex xxx
# 30 18 years ago

Hillary, I am your greatest fan. You're so coool and have the latest fashions. I like your song Beat of my heart. Your my biggest role-model. Please e-mail me back!
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