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omg i love hilary duff

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# 1 18 years ago

plese help me e-mail hilary duff i have everything of her like her blanket all of her c.ds her shoes her posters i don't even have enogh room to put more posters up because i have so many pictures and i also have her backpack and lunchbox and school folders. so plese could someone help me e-mail hilary duff?
# 2 18 years ago

hey hilary, love you lots please email me back i love your songs especailly come clean. plaese email me back.
# 3 18 years ago

> plese help me e-mail hilary duff i have everything of her like her blanket all of her c.ds her shoes her posters i don't even have enogh room to put more posters up because i have so many pictures and i also have her backpack and lunchbox and school folders. so plese could someone help me e-mail hilary duff?
# 4 18 years ago

> plese help me e-mail hilary duff i have everything of her like her blanket all of her c.ds her shoes her posters i don't even have enogh room to put more posters up because i have so many pictures and i also have her backpack and lunchbox and school folders. so plese could someone help me e-mail hilary duff?
# 5 18 years ago

yesterday i got back from the hilary duff concert at 10:20 pm.she rocked!she works w/sweat and pain every day!i just wanna email her saying how much i respect her,and a whole bunch of other things.i can't believe she can't even sleep in a bed.she has to sleep in her van or ride whatever it is!i feel sorry for her because she never gets a break!i think she should have like a week vacation because she works so hard!i have everything that hilary duff has had in stores and everywhere!i really admire her.she is my rolemodel!she deserves a break from all these music thursty suckers!u rock hil!i get to go to ur next concert to and then after that and so on!!i really wanna email her because she is so awesome!if i ever got her email i would never tell ne1 what it is!if she asks me not to!!!oh and by the way hil' tell teddy geiger i said he rocked at ur concert!!my name is alexa palmgren and i want hilary duff's email!pleaz somebody tell me!
# 6 18 years ago

yesterday i got back from the hilary duff concert at 10:20 pm.she rocked!she works w/sweat and pain every day!i just wanna email her saying how much i respect her,and a whole bunch of other things.i can't believe she can't even sleep in a bed.she has to sleep in her van or ride whatever it is!i feel sorry for her because she never gets a break!i think she should have like a week vacation because she works so hard!i have everything that hilary duff has had in stores and everywhere!i really admire her.she is my rolemodel!she deserves a break from all these music thursty suckers!u rock hil!i get to go to ur next concert to and then after that and so on!!i really wanna email her because she is so awesome!if i ever got her email i would never tell ne1 what it is!if she asks me not to!!!oh and by the way hil' tell teddy geiger i said he rocked at ur concert!!my name is alexa palmgren and i want hilary duff's email!pleaz somebody tell me!
# 7 18 years ago

Hi How are you today whats your name.
# 8 18 years ago

> plese help me e-mail hilary duff i have everything of her like her blanket all of her c.ds her shoes her posters i don't even have enogh room to put more posters up because i have so many pictures and i also have her backpack and lunchbox and school folders. so plese could someone help me e-mail hilary duff?
# 9 18 years ago

> i love hilary duff
# 10 18 years ago

have you got her email yet if you have could you pleaze tell me
# 11 18 years ago

hey hilary i love you so much
the subjet that im writing 2 you is about you becoming a punk or a rock star please dont ruien your face by putting dark eyeliner on and i like you better as you are now and people will listen to your music if you just stay the same

natalia kostiuk
# 12 18 years ago

omg i love hilary duff 2! i want to email her so bad!
# 13 18 years ago

Dear Hilary Duff,

My name is Sara I play they eletric Guitar.
I love punk rock. I'm going to your concert
8/30/05 at Continental arena. Can you wear
something punk rock? I loved u my entire life.
I'm really exited about ur concert I hope u sing Wake Up.

# 14 18 years ago

> plese help me e-mail hilary duff i have everything of her like her blanket all of her c.ds her shoes her posters i don't even have enogh room to put more posters up because i have so many pictures and i also have her backpack and lunchbox and school folders. so plese could someone help me e-mail hilary duff? Hey my name is Heather Elizebeth Morgan! I love you sooooo much! I always dreamed about being your best friend!!!! I have al of your cd's posters screen safers and more!!!!!!
Love Heather Email me
# 15 18 years ago


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