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Bridgestone Tires Commercial "Wheels Go Round"

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# 1 21 years ago

Julie B.
In the most recent Bridgestone tires commercial there is a song used that goes something like 'the wheels go round and round'. Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist who performs it?
# 2 21 years ago

> In the most recent Bridgestone tires commercial there is a song used that goes something like 'the wheels go round and round'. Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist who performs it?
It's a takeoff on 'The Wheel' by Rosanne Cash.
# 3 21 years ago

> : In the most recent Bridgestone tires commercial there is a song used that goes something like 'the wheels go round and round'. Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist who performs it?
> It's a takeoff on 'The Wheel' by Rosanne Cash.
# 4 21 years ago

Indeed, I'm looking for the same song, If i find out anything, I'll let yah know.

# 5 21 years ago

i know the feeling i love the song too good thing they play it on tech tv like every 20 minutes i wish i had it on my pc
# 6 21 years ago

I also noticed that the music is a rework of 'Young Turks' by Rod Stweart. I like the version in this commercial- has a good new wave feel to it.
> Indeed, I'm looking for the same song, If i find out anything, I'll let yah know.

# 7 21 years ago

I'm pretty sure it is by a group called Fono, the song called 'Round and Round,' off their album Goesaroundcomesaround.

# 8 21 years ago

> :> In the most recent Bridgestone tires commercial there is a song used that goes something like 'the wheels go round and round'. Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist who performs it?
>> It's a takeoff on 'The Wheel' by Rosanne Cash.
> Thanks~!

# 9 21 years ago

I know it's a cover of Roseanne Cash's song, but does anyone know the name of the band that covers it?

# 10 21 years ago

> : In the most recent Bridgestone tires commercial there is a song used that goes something like 'the wheels go round and round'. Does anyone know the name of this song and the artist who performs it?
> It's a takeoff on 'The Wheel' by Rosanne Cash.
it also sounds like a spin off of that rod stewart song 'young hearts be free tonight'
# 11 20 years ago

No it's not...
If you are talking about the Bridgestone Tire commerical the music from that song you are hearing is the Rod Stewart song Young Hearts. The lyrics you hear on the commercial are not in the song... I have heard it was made in a studio just for this commercial and the song is not available, but the music is definitely from this song...

# 12 20 years ago

Correction the name of the song it Young Turks

: If you are talking about the Bridgestone Tire commerical the music from that song you are hearing is the Rod Stewart song Young Hearts. The lyrics you hear on the commercial are not in the song... I have heard it was made in a studio just for this commercial and the song is not available, but the music is definitely from this song...

# 13 20 years ago

The good one!
The boring one:
I frankly could care less about the videos. I just want a full length version of at least the Silver Anthem version. Take the video budget and make both songs for all I care.
The press release:
# 14 20 years ago

My bad, they're not making a video, just a full length version of the winning song.
Go Silver Anthem! :)
> Bridgestone now has a web page up due to the number of requests they've been getting on the songs. They have 30 second clips of two mixes and are having a poll to decide which of the two will be made into a video.

# 15 20 years ago

> Correction the name of the song it Young Turks
> : If you are talking about the Bridgestone Tire commerical the music from that song you are hearing is the Rod Stewart song Young Hearts. The lyrics you hear on the commercial are not in the song... I have heard it was made in a studio just for this commercial and the song is not available, but the music is definitely from this song...
> that song deffinetly "it" young're so good with this proud if you
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