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song in diet pepsi commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.
# 2 21 years ago

> whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.

I think the one you're thinking of is called 'well adjusted' by mxpx.
# 3 21 years ago

theres no such song by mxpx called 'well adjusted'

# 4 21 years ago

> : whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.
: I think the one you're thinking of is called 'well adjusted' by mxpx.

hey is the song released? how come i cant find it on mp3s..?!

# 5 21 years ago

there is such a song but its not the one from the diet pepsi comercial

# 6 21 years ago

What CD is that song on?

# 7 21 years ago

What is the song called by MXPX on the diet pepsi commercial?

# 8 21 years ago

> theres no such song by mxpx called 'well adjusted'
yes there is. it's on their new album called 'before everything and after' which has not been released yet. it won't be available for a few more months, and that's why you can't find that song for download anywhere. i want to download it so bad though ahhhhh!
# 9 21 years ago

> theres no such song by mxpx called 'well adjusted'
yes there is. it's going to be included on their upcoming album entitled 'before everything and after' which won't be released until a few more months. that's why you can't find that song anywhere for download. god i wish they'd hurry up though, i want to download it soo bad ahhh!

# 10 21 years ago

I would like to know the name of that song too and I don't it's Well Adjusted' either because I can't find that song anywhere.

# 11 21 years ago

What's the name of that song then?
# 12 21 years ago

its not out tho
# 13 21 years ago

Has anyone been able to find the lyrics to 'Well Adjusted'?

# 14 21 years ago

> theres no such song by mxpx called 'well adjusted'
> it is off a new album called 'before everything and after' that is due this spring

# 15 20 years ago

yep... sorry
Sorry to tell you this but there is... it hasn't been released yet, but that's what it is
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