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song in diet pepsi commercial

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# 16 20 years ago

> : whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.
: I think the one you're thinking of is called 'well adjusted' by mxpx.
No its not. I have Well Adjusted and that is not the song.
# 17 20 years ago

how the heck do you know there isn't? are you mxpx's side kick , a rodie? the one that they tell their most closest secrets? i doudt that , so dont be so quick to tell people no about something you have no clue what you're talking about ... that's really lame

# 18 20 years ago

> theres no such song by mxpx called 'well adjusted'
actually, yes there is, it's from the fat club 7', but it's not the song from the commercial

# 19 20 years ago

> theres no such song by mxpx called 'well adjusted'

I e-mailed someone at Pepsi and they told me that that MxPx song was called 'Well Adjusted' and that it is comming up on their new album.

# 20 20 years ago

there is to a song by mxpx called well adjusted but its not the song on the diet pepsi commercial...but if anyone does know the song on the commercial could you e-mail me at

# 21 20 years ago

actually, there IS a song by MxPx called 'well adjusted' and it's off their new album 'before everything and after' that hasn't come out just yet, and that is the name of the song they are playing in the commercial.

# 22 20 years ago

then what is it called?

# 23 20 years ago

What is the name of the song and Artist in the Diet pepsi commercial where the executive of some company say that he would like to get back all the hair he had back in High school?
# 24 19 years ago

> whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.

the song is well adjusted by mxpx
# 25 19 years ago

> >what's the name of the song in the lime diet pepsi commercial where the black lady is laughing
> I think the one you're thinking of is called 'well adjusted' by mxpx.
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