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Hi! Dockers commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

Does anyone know what song is playing in the Dockers commercial. The licrics sound like this, " This is the day, when my life goes into play....something like that. The commercial is about dockers pants. I loved the song so much. I want to know who is the artist. Anyone care to tell me who plays that song. I would appreciated very much.
# 2 18 years ago

The song is a remake of "This Is The Day" by The The. If anyone else reads this, I would also like to know who does the remake (even though the original is very good).

# 3 18 years ago

Slayer does the remake. Juice Newton did the original.

> Hi,
> Does anyone know what song is playing in the Dockers commercial. The licrics sound like this, " This is the day, when my life goes into play....something like that. The commercial is about dockers pants. I loved the song so much. I want to know who is the artist. Anyone care to tell me who plays that song. I would appreciated very much.
# 4 18 years ago

The band is The The, a single from 1983

> Hi,
> Does anyone know what song is playing in the Dockers commercial. The licrics sound like this, " This is the day, when my life goes into play....something like that. The commercial is about dockers pants. I loved the song so much. I want to know who is the artist. Anyone care to tell me who plays that song. I would appreciated very much.
# 5 18 years ago

"This is the Day" by The The
# 6 18 years ago

I'm not sure who the band is, but I am almost positive I know the voice. It is the singer from the old goth-eighties outfit, THe THE.
> Hi,
> Does anyone know what song is playing in the Dockers commercial. The licrics sound like this, " This is the day, when my life goes into play....something like that. The commercial is about dockers pants. I loved the song so much. I want to know who is the artist. Anyone care to tell me who plays that song. I would appreciated very much.
# 7 18 years ago

The song is by The The. I'm not sure which album it's from, but know it is by them. Their lead singer is Matt Johnson, who wrote and owns all their songs. The The had about 8 albums from 1980-1995. Their best was Infected(1986) which had modest commercial success. They were never a big commercial band which suprises me they would sell out to Levi's. Hope this helps.
# 8 18 years ago

> Hi,
> Does anyone know what song is playing in the Dockers commercial.

It's from the band The The and the song is called "This Is The Day"
# 9 18 years ago

It's called "This is the Day" by The The from the 1983 album "Soul Mining." > Hi,
> Does anyone know what song is playing in the Dockers commercial. The licrics sound like this, " This is the day, when my life goes into play....something like that. The commercial is about dockers pants. I loved the song so much. I want to know who is the artist. Anyone care to tell me who plays that song. I would appreciated very much.
# 10 18 years ago

The version of "This Is the Day" in the Dockers commercial is called the "disinfected remix" and it's on the 2002 release 45 RPM: The Singles.
# 11 18 years ago

'this is the day' is a great song from an even better album called soul mining, released, i believe, in 1983. the songs on that album are brooding, introspective, haunting. 'this is the day' is about the only uplifting melody on the recording, but that does not mean the rest of the material is not good--in fact, just the opposite. the artist is called "the the," not a band, but rather an ingenious individual by the name of matt johnson. his subsequent two albums are equally strong (heavily politcal and cynical), and all have been remastered recently. check 'em out!
# 12 18 years ago

It's "This is the day" by The The

> Hi,
> Does anyone know what song is playing in the Dockers commercial. The licrics sound like this, " This is the day, when my life goes into play....something like that. The commercial is about dockers pants. I loved the song so much. I want to know who is the artist. Anyone care to tell me who plays that song. I would appreciated very much.
# 13 18 years ago

> Hi,
> Does anyone know what song is playing in the Dockers commercial. The licrics sound like this, " This is the day, when my life goes into play....something like that. The commercial is about dockers pants. I loved the song so much. I want to know who is the artist. Anyone care to tell me who plays that song. I would appreciated very much.
# 14 18 years ago

It's called The The - This is the day.

Find it here -
# 15 18 years ago

Song: This is the Day
Singer / band: The The

> Hi,
> Does anyone know what song is playing in the Dockers commercial. The licrics sound like this, " This is the day, when my life goes into play....something like that. The commercial is about dockers pants. I loved the song so much. I want to know who is the artist. Anyone care to tell me who plays that song. I would appreciated very much.
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