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Eclipse Commercial with Taiko Drums?

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# 1 19 years ago

I Just saw an Mitsubishi Eclipse Commercial and in the End had Women on Taiko Drums. Who is the group that played and what is the song?
# 2 19 years ago

> I Just saw an Mitsubishi Eclipse Commercial and in the End had Women on Taiko Drums. Who is the group that played and what is the song?
I asked the same thing a week ago. I'm trying to find out if they're for real or just acting. I'd go see them perform.
# 3 19 years ago

song was composed by Stewart Copeland, formerly of the Police. the drummers are from three LA based taiko groups--TAIKOPROJECT, UCLA Kyodo Taiko, and Koshin Taiko. They are bonafide taiko drummers--no actors--

check out our website for future

> > I Just saw an Mitsubishi Eclipse Commercial and in the End had Women on Taiko Drums. Who is the group that played and what is the song?
> I asked the same thing a week ago. I'm trying to find out if they're for real or just acting. I'd go see them perform.
# 4 19 years ago

> song was composed by Stewart Copeland, formerly of the Police. the drummers are from three LA based taiko groups--TAIKOPROJECT, UCLA Kyodo Taiko, and Koshin Taiko. They are bonafide taiko drummers--no actors--
> check out our website for future
> Thank you so much for the reply. I'm hoping they come to New York in the near future.
> > > I Just saw an Mitsubishi Eclipse Commercial and in the End had Women on Taiko Drums. Who is the group that played and what is the song?
> > I asked the same thing a week ago. I'm trying to find out if they're for real or just acting. I'd go see them perform.
# 5 18 years ago

> I Just saw an Mitsubishi Eclipse Commercial and in the End had Women on Taiko Drums. Who is the group that played and what is the song?
# 6 18 years ago

> I Just saw an Mitsubishi Eclipse Commercial and in the End had Women on Taiko Drums. Who is the group that played and what is the song?


Article: New Eclipse oozes fun, sex appeal
Dated: Fri Jun 24, 9:09 AM ET

Paragraph 4 says: Causing the stir: The 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse, a small, front-drive sports coupe just now on sale, from about $20,000. If every U.S. Mitsubishi vehicle from now on feels and looks as outstanding as the Eclipse, and all the ads are as compelling as the TV commercial featuring UCLA music students beating Japanese Taiko drums, the company's U.S. problems are over.

Then on the site:

The Mitsubishi Girls perform for the Mitsubishi Dealers of North America Meeting in Las Vegas. Check out photos from the trip here!

I, too, would like to know more.
# 7 18 years ago

> I Just saw an Mitsubishi Eclipse Commercial and in the End had Women on Taiko Drums. Who is the group that played and what is the song?


Article: New Eclipse oozes fun, sex appeal
Dated: Fri Jun 24, 9:09 AM ET

Paragraph 4 says: Causing the stir: The 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse, a small, front-drive sports coupe just now on sale, from about $20,000. If every U.S. Mitsubishi vehicle from now on feels and looks as outstanding as the Eclipse, and all the ads are as compelling as the TV commercial featuring UCLA music students beating Japanese Taiko drums, the company's U.S. problems are over.

Then on the site:

The Mitsubishi Girls perform for the Mitsubishi Dealers of North America Meeting in Las Vegas. Check out photos from the trip here!

I, too, would like to know more.
# 8 18 years ago

> I Just saw an Mitsubishi Eclipse Commercial and in the End had Women on Taiko Drums. Who is the group that played and what is the song?

USA Today said the drummers were UCLA music students. Sorry I cant help you with the name of the song.
# 9 18 years ago

> I Just saw an Mitsubishi Eclipse Commercial and in the End had Women on Taiko Drums. Who is the group that played and what is the song?

I wouldn't bet the ranch on it, but I think it might have been Hono Daiko. I saw them in L.A. two years ago, and it looked like their style.
# 10 18 years ago

> > I Just saw an Mitsubishi Eclipse Commercial and in the End had Women on Taiko Drums. Who is the group that played and what is the song?
> I wouldn't bet the ranch on it, but I think it might have been Hono Daiko. I saw them in L.A. two years ago, and it looked like their style.

CORRECTION: I saw them 4 years ago in L.A.
# 11 18 years ago

It appears that the group in the commercial is a compilation from three Taiko groups: TAIKOPROJECT, UCLA Kyodo Taiko, & Venice Koshin Taiko. Each provided some of their female members for the shoot that took place in Playa Vista in April. They performed live at the Mitsubishi Dealer's Conference in Las Vegas in June. Check and

Another site that provides a bit if insight is the Blog Page of Yuri, one of the performers at

I don't know whether they will do anything beyond the commercial. But it appears that many would buy anything they produced.
# 12 18 years ago

It appears that the group in the commercial is a compilation from three Taiko groups: TAIKOPROJECT, UCLA Kyodo Taiko, & Venice Koshin Taiko. Each provided some of their female members for the shoot that took place in Playa Vista in April. They performed live at the Mitsubishi Dealer's Conference in Las Vegas in June. Check and

Another site that provides a bit if insight is the Blog Page of Yuri, one of the performers at

I don't know whether they will do anything beyond the commercial. But it appears that many would buy anything they produced.
# 13 18 years ago

Here's a shot of the group at the commercial shoot: (Yuri is the second from the right in the front.)
# 14 18 years ago

> I Just saw an Mitsubishi Eclipse Commercial and in the End had Women on Taiko Drums. Who is the group that played and what is the song?
# 15 18 years ago

> > I Just saw an Mitsubishi Eclipse Commercial and in the End had Women on Taiko Drums. Who is the group that played and what is the song?
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