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Hallmark Commercial???

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# 1 21 years ago

Who sings that song in the Hallmark Commercial in french where that teddy bear is going down the conveyor belt?
# 2 21 years ago

dont know who sings the song but the name of the spot i 'Bottle-Up Bears' i am trying to find out who sings it also
# 3 21 years ago

I still haven't tracked down the song title or performer either, but I did find a website that has the commercial itself available for viewing. The only issue is that it's not entirely free--you have to 'donate' $2 through PayPal for a 30-day viewing. But if anyone's interested, the site's at
> Who sings that song in the Hallmark Commercial in french where that teddy bear is going down the conveyor belt?

# 4 21 years ago

I still haven't tracked down the song title or performer either, but I did find a website that has the commercial itself available for viewing. The only issue is that it's not entirely free--you have to 'donate' $2 through PayPal for a 30-day viewing. But if anyone's interested, the site's at
> Who sings that song in the Hallmark Commercial in french where that teddy bear is going down the conveyor belt?

# 5 21 years ago

I have been trying to figure out who does this song too. If you find out, will you please post the information? I may pay the $2 to so I can hear more words to the song and try to do another internet search for the lyrics to track down who it is (that's actually how I found this forum). I've seen the commercial three times, didn't pay attention to the words the first two times, and this time I missed them since I was looking for my VCR remote to tape it!

> Hey--
> I still haven't tracked down the song title or performer either, but I did find a website that has the commercial itself available for viewing. The only issue is that it's not entirely free--you have to 'donate' $2 through PayPal for a 30-day viewing. But if anyone's interested, the site's at
>> Who sings that song in the Hallmark Commercial in french where that teddy bear is going down the conveyor belt?

# 6 21 years ago

am looking for that too....any luck?
> Hey--
> I still haven't tracked down the song title or performer either, but I did find a website that has the commercial itself available for viewing. The only issue is that it's not entirely free--you have to 'donate' $2 through PayPal for a 30-day viewing. But if anyone's interested, the site's at
>> Who sings that song in the Hallmark Commercial in french where that teddy bear is going down the conveyor belt?

# 7 21 years ago

I think it may be a group called Pink Martini. The lead singer of the group is China Forbes. I've seen them live and the voice sounds similar. She often sings in other languages, particularly French. They are based out of Oregon.
# 8 21 years ago

I called Hallmark-- the lady I talked with was rude. Said the song was written specifically for them by the ad agency, and responded that it was not for sale, and impossible to acquire. Then she tried to sell me a Valentine's gift box.

# 9 21 years ago

ok guys. i heard the song was made specifically for the commercial. so ...sorry!

# 10 20 years ago

> Who sings that song from the hallmark commercial where the chubby guy in a santa suit jumps in his red car (cadillac?)and he pops in a cd and its "christmastime is my favorite time of the year..oh Christmastime should be all year round" and the guy is bobbing and singing...he's darling...i want that song....does anyone know/ i can't find it anywhere...thanks...
# 11 18 years ago

> Who sings that song in the Hallmark Commercial in french where that teddy bear is going down the conveyor belt?
# 12 18 years ago

> > Who sings that song in the Hallmark Commercial in french where that teddy bear is going down the conveyor belt?
> >
Isreal Kamakwiwo'ole is the artist and the album is called Facing Future.
# 13 18 years ago

> > Who sings that song in the Hallmark Commercial with the card keeper? Also what is the name of the song
> >
# 14 18 years ago

> > > Who sings that song in the Hallmark Commercial with the card keeper? Also what is the name of the song
> > >
> >
The name is "over the rainbow" and you can download it here:

Have fun. I enjoy it a lot

# 15 18 years ago

> > Who sings that song in the Hallmark Commercial in french where that teddy bear is going down the conveyor belt?
> >
Who sings the song "Over the Rainbow," in one of the Hallmark commercials
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