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Please help with the song on the latest Pontiac G6 commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

Its a house/technoish song in the newest pontiac commercials were it presents three latest cars, G6, G6 coupe and another car.. it goes ... i dunno its really cool and i cant get it out of my head!!!
# 2 18 years ago

> Its a house/technoish song in the newest pontiac commercials were it presents three latest cars, G6, G6 coupe and another car.. it goes ... i dunno its really cool and i cant get it out of my head and its NOT citizen cope !!
# 3 18 years ago

try "Golden Touch" by Razorlight
# 4 18 years ago

> > Its a house/technoish song in the newest pontiac commercials were it presents three latest cars, G6, G6 coupe and another car.. it goes ... i dunno its really cool and i cant get it out of my head and its NOT citizen cope !!

I KNOW! There's a NEW commerical out and the song is not by Citizen's slower, and it talking about some girl! Anyone know this song?!?!?
# 5 18 years ago

The song is "Golden Touch" by Razorlight.

You can go to and they are streaming the videos from their ads.

Great song, eh?
# 6 18 years ago

It's: "Should I stay or should I go." By The Clash. I believe..
# 7 18 years ago

It is by citizen cope, and its called son's gonna rise you dumbass
> > > Its a house/technoish song in the newest pontiac commercials were it presents three latest cars, G6, G6 coupe and another car.. it goes ... i dunno its really cool and i cant get it out of my head and its NOT citizen cope !!
> I KNOW! There's a NEW commerical out and the song is not by Citizen's slower, and it talking about some girl! Anyone know this song?!?!?
# 8 18 years ago

hey guys its a guy named Citezen cope..hes the man and you should all go buy the cd...
# 9 18 years ago

it really is citizen cope.

> > Its a house/technoish song in the newest pontiac commercials were it presents three latest cars, G6, G6 coupe and another car.. it goes ... i dunno its really cool and i cant get it out of my head and its NOT citizen cope !!
# 10 18 years ago

Oooo, I found it. It's called Club Foot by Kasabian.

> > Its a house/technoish song in the newest pontiac commercials were it presents three latest cars, G6, G6 coupe and another car.. it goes ... i dunno its really cool and i cant get it out of my head and its NOT citizen cope !!
# 11 18 years ago

> Its a house/technoish song in the newest pontiac commercials were it presents three latest cars, G6, G6 coupe and another car.. it goes ... i dunno its really cool and i cant get it out of my head!!!

The song is called "son's gonna rise" by "Citizen Cope."
# 12 18 years ago

> Its a house/technoish song in the newest pontiac commercials were it presents three latest cars, G6, G6 coupe and another car.. it goes ... i dunno its really cool and i cant get it out of my head!!!
# 13 18 years ago

> Its a house/technoish song in the newest pontiac commercials were it presents three latest cars, G6, G6 coupe and another car.. it goes ... i dunno its really cool and i cant get it out of my head!!!
# 14 18 years ago

the song is called son's gonna rise its by citizen cope it was on one tree hill that show has awesome music so if you dont watch it i would sujust it!
# 15 18 years ago

hey! yeah it is by citizen coup...the start of the commercial has it! i love that song its awesome! just wanted to let everyone know that its song's gonna rise by citizen cope!
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