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Mitsubishi commercial with lyrics "20th century toy"? Who is it?

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# 1 22 years ago

What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
# 2 22 years ago

Name of the tune is, 20th Century Boy by Marc Bolan and T-Rex.
P.S. Had to find out also...tune rocks!
> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!

# 3 22 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!

# 4 22 years ago

It's the group TRexx, and the song is 20th Century Boy. FYI, tunes in other Mitsubishi spots are:
The Wiseguys, or maybe Wise Guys - Start the Commotion, from their 1998 CD Antidote
Groove Armada - I See You Baby
New Radicals - Get what you give, off their album Maybe you've been brainwashed too
Spacehog - In the Meantime
Adam & The Ants - Kings of The Wild Frontier
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train
> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!

# 5 22 years ago

I was also wondering who sings this song. It sounds a lot like T-Rex to me. Does anyone know?
> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!

# 6 22 years ago

> T rex 20th century boy
# 7 22 years ago

> 1970's T-Rex '20th Century Boy' by Placebo

# 8 22 years ago

Its 20th century toy, by T Rex.

# 9 22 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
i agree! if you find out, let me know!

# 10 22 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
Yeah! What is it?

# 11 22 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
It's called 'Twentieth Century Boy' and it's by
T Rex.
# 12 22 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
The name of the song is Twentieth Century Boy by the Group T-Rex. The CD will have
to be special ordered, at least that's what I did
because they were a British band in the 70's, and
a lot of their stuff is out of print.
# 13 22 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
The song you're talking about was done originally by T.Rex (the version in the commercial). Brit band Placebo also has done a version.
# 14 22 years ago

Looks like a song called '20th Century Boy' by Placebo...
> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!

# 15 22 years ago

my boyfriend says that it's Sigue Sigue Sputnik
hope that helps!

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!

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