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Mitsubishi commercial with lyrics "20th century toy"? Who is it?

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# 16 22 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!

# 17 22 years ago

It is from the 'Velvet Goldmine' movie, sung by Placebo...

: What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!

# 18 22 years ago

20th century boy, by Placebo, velvet goldmine soundtrack
> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!

# 19 22 years ago

T-Rex, 20th Century Boy
# 20 22 years ago

i think its Marc Bolan and T. Rex. Gret Glam Rock!

# 21 22 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
That's 20th Century Boy by Placebo
# 22 22 years ago

't rex - mitsubishi montero commercial'
good luck
# 23 22 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
It's T.Rex's '20th Century Boy', from sometime in the mid-'70's.
# 24 22 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
T Rex - '20th Century Boy'
# 25 21 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
It's a over of a Kinks tune, sorry the title escapes me. I just want to know who the girl is in the video!
# 26 21 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
It's a cover of a Kinks tune, sorry the title escapes me. I just want to know who the girl is in the video!
# 27 21 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
It's T Rex, song is Twentieth Century Boy
# 28 21 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
20th Century Boy
by T. Rex
# 29 21 years ago

According to a June 9 Washington Post article, you're thinking of T-Rex's '20th Century Boy.'
But you're right... their marketing DOES rock.
For the full text of the article, see: articles/A1908-2002Jun5.html

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at
: the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing
: rocks!!!

# 30 21 years ago

> What's the name of the tune with the phrase at the end '20th century toy'
: great tune! Japanese Automobile marketing rocks!!!
T-rex twentieth century boy from 'tanx' released 1973 on polygram records
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