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cingular commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
# 2 19 years ago

> what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?

Song - " Get to Me "
Artist - Train
# 3 18 years ago

> what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?

*i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
# 4 18 years ago

> > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)

*the song is "Get to Me" by Train

*found it!! the song is "Get to Me" by Train
# 5 18 years ago

> what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
# 6 18 years ago

> what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
# 7 18 years ago

> > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
# 8 18 years ago

this song is on one of the first raising the bar commercials. it is a man in his car and he has his hands up. a women comes out and sees looks like it might be in san francisco. thanks...
# 9 18 years ago

what is the name of the song on the cingular commercial that goes something like "pick up the phone, got money coming in? my husband works in sales and wants this as his ring tone if possible. help!!!
> *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
# 10 18 years ago

> > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
# 11 18 years ago

> what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?

alamn brothers eat a peach album
# 12 18 years ago

> what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?

That would be Alman Brothers, Eat a peach Album
# 13 18 years ago

Get To Me by the group Train

> > > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> >
> > *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
# 14 18 years ago

Todd Phillips
>Originally called "Melissa" from the Allman brothers 1971/ Album is called "Eat a Peach".
# 15 18 years ago

> > > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> >
> > *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
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