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cingular commercial

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# 16 18 years ago

> > > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> >
> > *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
> what group originally recorded sweet melissa?
# 17 18 years ago

The name of the song is Sweet Melissa and the Allman Brothers sing it.....Good Luck

> > > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> >
> > *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
# 18 17 years ago

> > > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> >
> > *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)

The Allman Brothers
# 19 18 years ago

> > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?

# 20 18 years ago

What is the name of the cingular commercial where its the guy in the cast and it says something like cingular forever at the end i think its an awesome song but i dont know the name please respond !!! thanks
# 21 18 years ago

> > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
# 22 18 years ago

> > > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> >
> > *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
> It's called "Get to Me" by Train on their CD titled "My Private Nation"
# 23 18 years ago

> > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)

It's called get to me.
# 24 18 years ago

> > > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> >
> > *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
# 25 18 years ago

> > > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> >
> > *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
# 26 18 years ago

> > > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> >
> > *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
# 27 18 years ago

I'd like to know, also. Mari in Nashville

> > > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> >
> > *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
# 28 18 years ago

> > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
"Get to Me" by Train
# 29 18 years ago

> > > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> >
> > *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
# 30 18 years ago

>allman brothers "melisa"

> > what is the name of the song in the cingular commercial with the three sons on their b-day? its something like "i don't care how you get to me just get to me". is that the name of the song? who sings it?
> >
> > *i would also really like to is an AWESOME song...somebody PLEASE tell us!! :-)
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