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Diet Coke Commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

There is a new diet coke commercial, not the blonde girl on skates, but where a black girl is outside and it is raining. The only lyrics they say are ba bum, ba bum, bum bum.
Anyone know where this comes from?
# 2 19 years ago

> There is a new diet coke commercial, not the blonde girl on skates, but where a black girl is outside and it is raining. The only lyrics they say are ba bum, ba bum, bum bum.
> Anyone know where this comes from?

Gift of Gab- Way of the Light

But I want to know who's on the roller skate one...
# 3 19 years ago

> There is a new diet coke commercial, with the blonde girl on skates. Anyone know who this girl is?
# 4 19 years ago

> There is a new diet coke commercial, not the blonde girl on skates, but where a black girl is outside and it is raining. The only lyrics they say are ba bum, ba bum, bum bum.
> Anyone know where this comes from?
WAY OF THE LIGHT by Gift of Gab
# 5 19 years ago

> There is a new diet coke commercial, not the blonde girl on skates, but where a black girl is outside and it is raining. The only lyrics they say are ba bum, ba bum, bum bum.
> Anyone know where this comes from?
its gift of gab
# 6 19 years ago

> There is a new diet coke commercial, not the blonde girl on skates, but where a black girl is outside and it is raining. The only lyrics they say are ba bum, ba bum, bum bum.
> Anyone know where this comes from?
# 7 19 years ago

HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with the guy that jumps behing the car and all the bubbles come out of the can, as they drive over the bridge. Thanks again.
# 8 19 years ago

The song is Starry Eyed Surprise by paul Oakenfold

> > There is a new diet coke commercial, not the blonde girl on skates, but where a black girl is outside and it is raining. The only lyrics they say are ba bum, ba bum, bum bum.
> > Anyone know where this comes from?
> Gift of Gab- Way of the Light
> But I want to know who's on the roller skate one...
# 9 18 years ago

> There is a new diet coke commercial, not the blonde girl on skates, but where a black girl is outside and it is raining. The only lyrics they say are ba bum, ba bum, bum bum.
> Anyone know where this comes from?
# 10 18 years ago

Yep it's "The Way of the Light" by the Gift of Gab (one member of blackalicious an outstanding hip hop group) from his solo album 4th rocketship going up (or something like that) if you like that song, check out the album it's good.
# 11 18 years ago

> > There is a new diet coke commercial, not the blonde girl on skates, but where a black girl is outside and it is raining. The only lyrics they say are ba bum, ba bum, bum bum.
> > Anyone know where this comes from?
Found it man, it's called the way of light. Tight song if you ask me
# 12 18 years ago

> HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with the girl whose skating on rollerblades with the blonde hair and shes wearing a sparkly top aswell. Thanks!>
# 13 18 years ago

> > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with the girl whose skating on rollerblades with the blonde hair and shes wearing a sparkly top aswell. Thanks!>
> its called starry eyed surprise by shifty. i like that song too
# 14 18 years ago

> > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one with the girl whose skating on rollerblades with the blonde hair and shes wearing a sparkly top aswell. Thanks!>
> > its called starry eyed surprise by shifty. i like that song too
# 15 18 years ago

> > HI, i would like to know the name of the song that is played on one of the diet coke commercial. The one called "loft"
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