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Music from Nivea Commercial w/ pregnants

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# 16 18 years ago

sorry about this. I'm not trying to find musci from a NIKE commercial.. but i am trying to find where i can watch one. I need to see this new one, where a guy dumps ice out of his shoe, i have never seen it, but i know the guy in it. can you help me?
# 17 18 years ago

Does anybody know the name of the song in the Nike free commercial where a bunch of people are training barefoot and there is instrumental music playing??? I would really like to know what that song is. Thanks.
# 18 18 years ago

> Does anybody know the name of the song in the Nike free commercial where a bunch of people are training barefoot and there is instrumental music playing??? Not the Chariots of fire commercial but the one with all the different athletes working out. I would really like to know what that song is. Thanks.
# 19 18 years ago

I'm also looking for it and can't find it. everywhere you can find about the other one with the song tiptoe through the tulips with me, but this is another one
# 20 18 years ago

> Hey guys i;m tryin to find this song, it has something like that on lyrics: "aren't you glad you have skin", or something like that.Can anybody tell me what's the title of that??

Alan Sherman - You Gotta Have Skin
I think this is the one...
# 21 18 years ago

> > Does anybody know the name of the song in the Nike free commercial where a bunch of people are training barefoot and there is instrumental music playing??? Not the Chariots of fire commercial but the one with all the different athletes working out. I would really like to know what that song is. Thanks.
# 22 18 years ago

tiptoe through the tulips
> Does anybody know the name of the song in the Nike free commercial where a bunch of people are training barefoot and there is instrumental music playing??? I would really like to know what that song is. Thanks.
# 23 18 years ago

> > Does anybody know the name of the song in the Nike free commercial where a bunch of people are training barefoot and there is instrumental music playing??? Not the Chariots of fire commercial but the one with all the different athletes working out. I would really like to know what that song is. Thanks.
# 24 18 years ago

"Chariots of Fire" by Vangelis

> Does anybody know the name of the song in the Nike free commercial where a bunch of people are training barefoot and there is instrumental music playing??? I would really like to know what that song is. Thanks.
# 25 18 years ago

> sorry about this. I'm not trying to find musci from a NIKE commercial.. but i am trying to find where i can watch one. I need to see this new one, where a guy dumps ice out of his shoe, i have never seen it, but i know the guy in it. can you help me?
# 26 18 years ago

> > Does anybody know the name of the song in the Nike free commercial where a bunch of people are training barefoot and there is instrumental music playing??? Not the Chariots of fire commercial but the one with all the different athletes working out. I would really like to know what that song is. Thanks.
# 27 18 years ago

> Does anybody know the name of the song in the Nike free commercial where a bunch of people are training barefoot and there is instrumental music playing??? I would really like to know what that song is. Thanks.
# 28 18 years ago

> I'm also looking for it and can't find it. everywhere you can find about the other one with the song tiptoe through the tulips with me, but this is another one
# 29 18 years ago

> > Does anybody know the name of the song in the Nike free commercial where a bunch of people are training barefoot and there is instrumental music playing??? Not the Chariots of fire commercial but the one with all the different athletes working out. I would really like to know what that song is. Thanks.
# 30 18 years ago

> sorry about this. I'm not trying to find musci from a NIKE commercial.. but i am trying to find where i can watch one. I need to see this new one, where a guy dumps ice out of his shoe, i have never seen it, but i know the guy in it. can you help me?
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