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Music from Nivea Commercial w/ pregnants

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# 1 19 years ago

Hey guys i;m tryin to find this song, it has something like that on lyrics: "aren't you glad you have skin", or something like that.Can anybody tell me what's the title of that??
# 2 19 years ago

Hey. I'm also trying to find the name of a song nike used in on of their new shoe commercials. "all the lights" maybe. Wondering if anyone had an email for Nike.
p.s. cudos to the sound department over at nike
# 3 19 years ago

hey, i know what song you're talking about i've been tring to find it too. if you do please hit me back and tell what it is. i'll do the same
# 4 19 years ago

> Hey. I'm also trying to find the name of a song nike used in on of their new shoe commercials. "all the lights" maybe. Wondering if anyone had an email for Nike.
> p.s. cudos to the sound department over at nike
# 5 19 years ago

> Hey. I'm also trying to find the name of a song nike used in on of their new shoe commercials. "all the lights" maybe. Wondering if anyone had an email for Nike.
> p.s. cudos to the sound department over at nike

> wow i love that commerical! if you find the name of the song please tell me!
# 6 19 years ago

> Hey. I'm also trying to find the name of a song nike used in on of their new shoe commercials. "all the lights" maybe. Wondering if anyone had an email for Nike.
> p.s. cudos to the sound department over at nike
Hey go to check it out:)
# 7 19 years ago

jennifer Michel
> Hey. I'm also trying to find the name of a song nike used in on of their new shoe commercials. "all the lights" maybe. Wondering if anyone had an email for Nike.
> p.s. cudos to the sound department over at nike
# 8 19 years ago

hello tomorro -karen o or squeak e clean
# 9 19 years ago

> > Hey. I'm also trying to find the name of a song nike used in on of their new shoe commercials. "all the lights" maybe. Wondering if anyone had an email for Nike.
> > p.s. cudos to the sound department over at nike
> > wow i love that commerical! if you find the name of the song please tell me!
# 10 19 years ago

the song from the new nike commercial is called hello tomorrow by karen o ..she's from the yeah yeah yeah's
# 11 19 years ago

> Hey. I'm also trying to find the name of a song nike used in on of their new shoe commercials. "all the lights" maybe. Wondering if anyone had an email for Nike.
> p.s. cudos to the sound department over at nike
# 12 19 years ago

I think it's by the band "Mum". Hope this helps.
# 13 18 years ago

> > Hey. I'm also trying to find the name of a song nike used in on of their new shoe commercials. "all the lights" maybe. Wondering if anyone had an email for Nike.
> > p.s. cudos to the sound department over at nike
# 14 18 years ago

> > Hey. I'm also trying to find the name of a song nike used in on of their new shoe commercials. "all the lights" maybe. Wondering if anyone had an email for Nike.
> > p.s. cudos to the sound department over at nike
# 15 18 years ago

> Hey. I'm also trying to find the name of a song nike used in on of their new shoe commercials. "all the lights" maybe. Wondering if anyone had an email for Nike.
> p.s. cudos to the sound department over at nike
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