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mitsubishi camercial music?

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# 1 22 years ago

does anyone know the music played in the mitsubishi, eclipse camercial? i absolutly love it! can anyone help me out?
# 2 22 years ago

: does anyone know the music played in the mitsubishi, eclipse camercial? i absolutly love it! can anyone help me out?

# 3 22 years ago

I would like to know the answer to this as well. If you find out, let me know.
# 4 22 years ago

I believe the song is 'Start the Commotion' by The Wiseguys.

# 5 22 years ago

: does anyone know the music played in the mitsubishi, eclipse camercial? i absolutly love it! can anyone help me out?
The Wiseguys - Start the Commotion (put your body in motion) It's a great song, isnt it?!
# 6 22 years ago

: does anyone know the music played in the mitsubishi, eclipse camercial? i absolutly love it! can anyone help me out?
I think it's 'start the commotion' by the Wiseguys. It is a great commercial. They definitely captured the essence of something.

# 7 22 years ago

The song is called 'start the commotion' and it is by The Wiseguys

# 8 22 years ago

WISEGUYS -- is the name of the group

:> does anyone know the music played in the mitsubishi, eclipse camercial? i absolutly love it! can anyone help me out?
> The Wiseguys - Start the Commotion (put your body in motion) It's a great song, isnt it?!

# 9 22 years ago

: does anyone know the music played in the mitsubishi, eclipse camercial? i absolutly love it! can anyone help me out?
Same question but it's not the wiseguy song it's the other one that in it is says 'you got the music in me....'

# 10 22 years ago

> :
:> does anyone know the music played in the mitsubishi, eclipse camercial? i absolutly love it! can anyone help me out?
> The Wiseguys - Start the Commotion (put your body in motion) It's a great song, isnt it?!
I don't think so..yorue talking about diff music i think..the new eclipse commercial has some music that im looking for but its not start the commotion

# 11 22 years ago

does anyone know what song is playing in the NEW mitsubishi eclipse commercial?! (the one with the girl, that's wearing a pink hat, is dancing in the car) thanks!!

# 12 22 years ago

'Days Go By' by Dirty Vegas

# 13 22 years ago

Dirty Vegas
# 14 22 years ago

: does anyone know the music played in the mitsubishi, eclipse camercial? i absolutly love it! can anyone help me out?
Its called 'Start the Comotion' by the Wiseguys
# 15 22 years ago

Wiseguys???.. No. The song is by 'Dirty Vegas' A group of three guys from the UK. you can play the song via the web site.
> I would like to know the answer to this as well. If you find out, let me know.

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