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# 1 19 years ago

theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you'
# 2 19 years ago

> theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you' I saw that same commercial,but I'm don't know the song. It's really cool, it has a woman singing, I'd like to know the name and artist also. It sounds too good to have been just written for the commercial, lets hope someone knows.
# 3 19 years ago

>It's called "Say Something New" by
The Concretes.
# 4 19 years ago

> >It's called "Say Something New" by
> The Concretes.
Thanks Alyssa, after I was on this message board I typed in Say Something New, and hit google search and it led me to The Concretes, and I wondered if that was the song. Once again, thanks.
# 5 19 years ago

> > >It's called "Say Something New" by
> > The Concretes.
> Thanks Alyssa, after I was on this message board I typed in Say Something New, and hit google search and it led me to The Concretes, and I wondered if that was the song. Once again, thanks.

No problembo:)
# 6 19 years ago

concretes : say something new

that website is pretty good for answers to commercial questions :]

> > theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you' I saw that same commercial,but I'm don't know the song. It's really cool, it has a woman singing, I'd like to know the name and artist also. It sounds too good to have been just written for the commercial, lets hope someone knows.
# 7 19 years ago

It is by "the concretes"
> > theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you' I saw that same commercial,but I'm don't know the song. It's really cool, it has a woman singing, I'd like to know the name and artist also. It sounds too good to have been just written for the commercial, lets hope someone knows.
# 8 19 years ago
# 9 19 years ago

The Concretes - Say Something New
# 10 19 years ago

I don't know who sings it but it's really bugging me!!!! I must find out!!! I absolutely love it!
# 11 19 years ago

The song is "Say Something New" from The Concretes
# 12 19 years ago

The song on the Target commercial is "Say Something New" by The Concretes from their debut and self-titled album.
# 13 19 years ago

hi, the song from the "design for all" tv ad from target is called "say something new" of a band called "the concretes"... but do you know if you can download the video?

> concretes : say something new
> that website is pretty good for answers to commercial questions :]
> > > theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you' I saw that same commercial,but I'm don't know the song. It's really cool, it has a woman singing, I'd like to know the name and artist also. It sounds too good to have been just written for the commercial, lets hope someone knows.
> >
# 14 19 years ago

"Say something new" the concretes

> > theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you' I saw that same commercial,but I'm don't know the song. It's really cool, it has a woman singing, I'd like to know the name and artist also. It sounds too good to have been just written for the commercial, lets hope someone knows.
# 15 19 years ago

Say Something New by The Concretes
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