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# 16 19 years ago

> > theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you' I saw that same commercial,but I'm don't know the song. It's really cool, it has a woman singing, I'd like to know the name and artist also. It sounds too good to have been just written for the commercial, lets hope someone knows.
It sounds like a band called Drugstore. I think it could also be a new band called the Concretes. Let me know if you find out for sure.
# 17 19 years ago

hi elizabeth. it's a band called the concretes. here's their website

> theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you'
# 18 19 years ago

theconcretes - say something new
# 19 19 years ago

"Say something new" by The Concretes
# 20 19 years ago

The Concretes - "Say Something New"

Just read in on a different Website!

> concretes : say something new
> that website is pretty good for answers to commercial questions :]
> > > theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you' I saw that same commercial,but I'm don't know the song. It's really cool, it has a woman singing, I'd like to know the name and artist also. It sounds too good to have been just written for the commercial, lets hope someone knows.
> >
# 21 19 years ago

> > theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you' I saw that same commercial,but I'm don't know the song. It's really cool, it has a woman singing, I'd like to know the name and artist also. It sounds too good to have been just written for

do we know who it is yet ???????? also has anyone tried to download the song from tv digitally??????????? the commercial, lets hope someone knows.
# 22 19 years ago

Something new - Sarah Maricle
# 23 19 years ago

I found the answer while doing a web search:
the song is called "Say Something New" performed by a Swedish group called The Concretes.

> concretes : say something new
> that website is pretty good for answers to commercial questions :]
> > > theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you' I saw that same commercial,but I'm don't know the song. It's really cool, it has a woman singing, I'd like to know the name and artist also. It sounds too good to have been just written for the commercial, lets hope someone knows.
> >
# 24 19 years ago

say something new by CONCRETES
# 25 19 years ago

It's by a band called The Concretes

> concretes : say something new
> that website is pretty good for answers to commercial questions :]
> > > theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you' I saw that same commercial,but I'm don't know the song. It's really cool, it has a woman singing, I'd like to know the name and artist also. It sounds too good to have been just written for the commercial, lets hope someone knows.
> >
# 26 19 years ago

I don't know the name of the song, but you can see the commercial on Target's "Channel Red" website.


> theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you'
# 27 19 years ago

It's a song off the new self titled album from this band The Concretes.

I definitely suggest this album, every track is equally amazing.

> theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you'
# 28 19 years ago

> theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you'

I just spent about a half an hour rummaging through the internet. But I finally found it! I love the song too, say something new, by the concretes. Enjoy.
# 29 19 years ago

Hi. I think I am thinking of the same commercial, their most recent that I saw a couple of days ago. The singers voice is what caught my attention. Ya know, it sounds exactly like a band called The Sea and Cake. Check them out and tell me if you think the singers sound alike. I fell really sure about his voice though, it is pretty unmistakable. As far as the song goes, I have not heard it-yet. I dont have all of their albums. Hope this helps.

# 30 19 years ago

> > theres this really cool new TARGET commercial...its proabably about a minute long, it keeps saying 'design ____' with a different word where it looks like a crossword puzzle... what is the song that they play for that commercial?..the lyrics are somethign like..'of all the things i thought about me and you, say something new say something new about you' I saw that same commercial,but I'm don't know the song. It's really cool, it has a woman singing, I'd like to know the name and artist also. It sounds too good to have been just written for the commercial, lets hope someone knows.

You are talking about 'say something new' by the concretes
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