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Mitsubishi Montero

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# 16 22 years ago

> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...


# 17 22 years ago

OK, I'm crazy to know too! The vocals remind me of someone from the 60s - I can't remember the song, I just remember, 'oh my love is sweeter, sweeter than sugar, oh love, i won't let you go....' - I'm sure it's something very popular and 'known', but I'm blocking on it. Have to ask my husband. I'll keep searching the web.
>> : who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
: I a also interested in the music for that commercial!
: Let me know if you find out anything!
> Thanks!
> M

# 18 22 years ago

OK, I'm crazy to know too! The vocals remind me of someone from the 60s - I can't remember the song, I just remember, 'oh my love is sweeter, sweeter than sugar, oh love, i won't let you go....' - I'm sure it's something very popular and 'known', but I'm blocking on it. Have to ask my husband. I'll keep searching the web.
>> : who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
: I a also interested in the music for that commercial!
: Let me know if you find out anything!
> Thanks!
> M

# 19 22 years ago

i know the song
> : who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...

The name of the song is 20th Century boy by T-Rex

# 20 22 years ago

> :> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
: I a also interested in the music for that commercial!
: Let me know if you find out anything!
> Thanks!
> M
'20 Century Boy' by T. Rex
# 21 22 years ago

> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
Could this be the 'T-Rex: Twentieth Century Boy' of March 1973. Catchy Tune !

# 22 22 years ago

Ok, I am looking for the song too,...BTW, the line 'Just like robin hood' or 'rock N roll'? Dad thinx itz r&r,...I think otherwize. PLEASE E-Mail me, I have had no luck on my own.,...oh,...PS,...that KUTE grl with the dimples's phone number would be quite usefull too. LOL ;V) King
# 23 22 years ago

> : who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...

The answer to your question was posted by Jeff Siegel at
It is: Placebo... '20th Century Boy' performed with David Bowie...
# 24 22 years ago

> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
The commercial that shows the 2 guys, then the 2
girls cruising (in seperate cars), is 'One Week'
by Barenaked Ladies. The commercial with the 2 guys coming back from a bike ride with a broke bike in the back (where he says it's fixable), is
done by the group T-Rex, a British band from the
70's (ya have to special-order, a lot of their stuff is out of print. The 3rd commercial has a song by the group Wiseguys song's titled Start the

# 25 22 years ago

> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
The commercial that shows the 2 guys, then the 2
girls cruising (in seperate cars), is 'One Week'
by Barenaked Ladies. The commercial with the 2 guys coming back from a bike ride with a broke bike in the back (where he says it's fixable), is
done by the group T-Rex, a British band from the
70's (ya have to special-order, a lot of their stuff is out of print. The 3rd commercial has a song by the group Wiseguys song's titled Start the

# 26 22 years ago

> I know the music to the Montero Sport Commercial. I just can't put a finger on it. It's bugging me to death. If you find out who it is, please forward it to me. I will do the same. Thanks
OK, there are 3 different commercials. I'll give
them to ya. I have all 3 it's cool. One commercial has 2 guys cruising in 1 car, and 2 girls cruising in another. That song is by BareNaked Ladies entitled One Week. Another commercial is with a few girls in a car and that one is on a Wiseguys cd and the song is Start the
Commotion. The 3rd commercial with the 2 guys with a bike and one says 'It's fixable.' is a song
by a British band by the name of T-Rex. This was
put out in the 70's and is hard to get. You'll probably have to special order, I did. Good Luck!

# 27 22 years ago

> :> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
: I a also interested in the music for that commercial!
: Let me know if you find out anything!
> Thanks!
> M
According to Mitsubishi Motors' Customer Service Line, the song is 'Twentieth Century Boys' by T. Riggs.

# 28 22 years ago

> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...

# 29 22 years ago

it has been driving me crazy... does anyone know the name of the song or the artist for the background music for the mitsubishi montero sport commercial with the 2 guys and the girl?!?!

# 30 22 years ago

> :> who does the music or Montero Sport Commercial with the 2 guys sitting in the Montero? Anyone know what im talking about, if so lemme know...
: I a also interested in the music for that commercial!
: Let me know if you find out anything!
The song is 20th Century Boy originally by T Rex but covered by Placebo for the commercial. Enjoy!
> Thanks!
> M

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