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The song in the Tide with a touch of downy ad???

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# 1 19 years ago

Hey all
I was just wondering what the song in the Tide with a touch of downy commercial was.
I heard that the same song was used in a Greyhound ad. It goes something like this..."Take me home, to my family..."
thats all i know. well if anyone knows anything about this ad or song could u please let me know, it would be much appreciated...i am luvin' that tune.
Thanks alot
P.S. clipland rocks
# 2 19 years ago

I know a little more but still would like to know what the song is and who that is singing. Sounds a bit like Mary J. but it's so soft it's hard to tell. The lyrics I know are:
"Take me home, take me home, to my family. I need to be surrounded by, the ones who care for me"
# 3 19 years ago

the name of the song is called "family". the artist is names Cait La Dee. she is unsigned, but you can here the full version at under artist.
# 4 19 years ago

Just found the info on Tide's Web site. I love that song, too. Go here to hear the full version:

And here you can read a few messages from the artist, Cait La Dee.

# 5 19 years ago

Thanks a lot everyone, I looked and looked but could never find the all made my

> Just found the info on Tide's Web site. I love that song, too. Go here to hear the full version:
> And here you can read a few messages from the artist, Cait La Dee.
# 6 19 years ago

> Hey
my girlfriend said it sounds like NINA SKY.
i agree with her but i haven't found anything on it yet. and there isn't a song like it on their album.

p.s. if you find out... let me know!
# 7 19 years ago

hey... i found out!!!

Hey Ya'll!
The name of the song is "Family"
The artist Cait La Dee
The website is under construction but the URL is.....
Cait La Dee
# 8 19 years ago

> Hey
i know what ur talkin about... it goes take me home, take me my family.....i need to be surrounded by....somethin im lookin for the same thing so if i find it before u i'll let u know it would be much appreciated if u did the thanks
# 9 19 years ago

The name of the song is "Family" from the "Beauty School Droupout" album by
Cait La Dee. Go to and you can hear the entire song.
# 10 19 years ago

The name of the song is "Family" from the "Beauty School Dropout" album by
Cait La Dee. Go to and you can hear the entire song.
# 11 19 years ago

> I know a little more but still would like to know what the song is and who that is singing. Sounds a bit like Mary J. but it's so soft it's hard to tell. The lyrics I know are:
> "Take me home, take me home, to my family. I need to be surrounded by, the ones who care for me"
# 12 19 years ago

The artist is Cait La Dee she is from the bay!

look at the messageboard

you can listen to the song at

> I know a little more but still would like to know what the song is and who that is singing. Sounds a bit like Mary J. but it's so soft it's hard to tell. The lyrics I know are:
> "Take me home, take me home, to my family. I need to be surrounded by, the ones who care for me"
# 13 19 years ago

>The song is sung by Cait La Dee. The name of the song is Family. If you'd like a copy of the full versionn please email me your request.
# 14 19 years ago

it most definitely nina sky! haven't found an official written statement though. it'll be an awesome advertising campaign for Tide to offer it on their website as a download.


> > Hey
> my girlfriend said it sounds like NINA SKY.
> i agree with her but i haven't found anything on it yet. and there isn't a song like it on their album.
> sincerely
> shaun
> p.s. if you find out... let me know!
# 15 19 years ago

> I know a little more but still would like to know what the song is and who that is singing. Sounds a bit like Mary J. but it's so soft it's hard to tell. The lyrics I know are:
> "Take me home, take me home, to my family. I need to be surrounded by, the ones who care for me"
----hey omg i love that song! i need to know who sings it too! i heard that it was michelle from destiny's child but i cant find out anything else on it!! let me know if you hear anything!
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