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The song in the Tide with a touch of downy ad???

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# 16 19 years ago

I wanna know too. It sounds like Angie Stone. If you find out please email me and let me know. Thanks.


> Hey all
> I was just wondering what the song in the Tide with a touch of downy commercial was.
> I heard that the same song was used in a Greyhound ad. It goes something like this..."Take me home, to my family..."
> thats all i know. well if anyone knows anything about this ad or song could u please let me know, it would be much appreciated...i am luvin' that tune.
> Thanks alot
> sincerly
> Nada
> P.S. clipland rocks
# 17 19 years ago

> Hey all
> I was just wondering what the song in the Tide with a touch of downy commercial was.
> I heard that the same song was used in a Greyhound ad. It goes something like this..."Take me home, to my family..."
> thats all i know. well if anyone knows anything about this ad or song could u please let me know, it would be much appreciated...i am luvin' that tune.
> Thanks alot
> sincerly
> Nada
> P.S. clipland rocks
# 18 19 years ago

Hi there. Any luck finding the artist for this song? I only know as much as you entered in your posting. I would love to get ahold of the full song....

Hey all
> I was just wondering what the song in the Tide with a touch of downy commercial was.
> I heard that the same song was used in a Greyhound ad. It goes something like this..."Take me home, to my family..."
> thats all i know. well if anyone knows anything about this ad or song could u please let me know, it would be much appreciated...i am luvin' that tune.
> Thanks alot
> sincerly
> Nada
> P.S. clipland rocks
# 19 19 years ago

>Hello name is martin and i am from argentina,i will be very grateful if anybody can give information about that beautiful song...everytime i see that commercial in tv,with the baby,safely sleeping in his daddys arms,like a warm wave in the ocean,makes me cry...please if you know more about this song and artist i will really appreciate it.
# 20 19 years ago

I recently learned that the young lady's name is Cait la dee. To hear the full song visit I hope this helps.
# 21 19 years ago

i don't know what it is either but its stuck in my head
i need to know what it is

> I know a little more but still would like to know what the song is and who that is singing. Sounds a bit like Mary J. but it's so soft it's hard to tell. The lyrics I know are:
> "Take me home, take me home, to my family. I need to be surrounded by, the ones who care for me"
# 22 19 years ago

Im so extatic to know people like my song "Take Me Home(Family)". I actually am signed to an independant label L4L Music and you can check out my website, Thanks for all your support folks!Keep it comin.....Cait La Dee
# 23 18 years ago

>The name of the singer is Cait La Dee. SHe is out of the bay area

I know a little more but still would like to know what the song is and who that is singing. Sounds a bit like Mary J. but it's so soft it's hard to tell. The lyrics I know are:
> "Take me home, take me home, to my family. I need to be surrounded by, the ones who care for me"
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