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chords and lyrics of sa puso ko by vina morales

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# 1 19 years ago

let me say hi and hello to the vina fans by the way im jorvin jadap a 1st college of computer science at capitol univerdity here in the ca**an de oro city i diffinately wrote this letter coz i want to make a new member of the vina fans you know and finally me i request the song sa puso ko the latest album of vina morales thank you and god bless you all jorvin jadap
# 2 19 years ago

> let me say hi and hello to the vina fans by the way im jorvin jadap a 1st college of computer science at capitol univerdity here in the ca**an de oro city i diffinately wrote this letter coz i want to make a new member of the vina fans you know and finally me i request the song sa puso ko the latest album of vina morales thank you and god bless you all jorvin jadap
# 3 19 years ago

> let me say hi and hello to the vina fans by the way im jorvin jadap a 1st college of computer science at capitol univerdity here in the ca**an de oro city i diffinately wrote this letter coz i want to make a new member of the vina fans you know and finally me i request the song sa puso ko the latest album of vina morales thank you and god bless you all jorvin jadap
# 4 19 years ago

hi jorvin,

why dont you join our pop diva discuss a lot of things about VINA....or check her new

# 5 19 years ago

> > > hi,hello im jane from studying at university of the i wrote this because since when im in high school vina is my idol...i like very her voice,and there latest song sa puso ko i like that song very much....thank u and god bless.......
# 6 19 years ago

> let me say hi and hello to the vina fans by the way im apple litang a 3rd yr. of architectural drafting at surigao state college of technology here in the surigao city i diffinately wrote this letter coz i want to make a new member of the vina fans you know and finally me i request the song sa puso ko the latest album of vina morales,and i want to know d chords of that song... thank you and god bless you all apple litang
# 7 19 years ago

> let me say hi and hello to the vina fans by the way im jorvin jadap a 1st college of computer science at capitol univerdity here in the ca**an de oro city i diffinately wrote this letter coz i want to make a new member of the vina fans you know and finally me i request the song sa puso ko the latest album of vina morales thank you and god bless you all jorvin jadap
# 8 19 years ago

> let me say hi and hello to the vina fans by the way im jorvin jadap a 1st college of computer science at capitol univerdity here in the ca**an de oro city i diffinately wrote this letter coz i want to make a new member of the vina fans you know and finally me i request the song sa puso ko the latest album of vina morales thank you and god bless you all jorvin jadap
# 9 19 years ago

> let me say hi and hello to the vina fans by the way im jorvin jadap a 1st college of computer science at capitol univerdity here in the ca**an de oro city i diffinately wrote this letter coz i want to make a new member of the vina fans you know and finally me i request the song sa puso ko the latest album of vina morales thank you and god bless you all jorvin jadap
# 10 19 years ago

> helo evry1!!! ds s anpollenz on line, jst saying hi 2 all da fans of ms. vina. hop ull enjoy vsitng ds one... c yah all nd god bless!!!!! mmmmmwwwwwwaaaaahhhhh....
# 11 19 years ago

> let me say hi and hello to the vina fans by the way im jorvin jadap a 1st college of computer science at capitol univerdity here in the ca**an de oro city i diffinately wrote this letter coz i want to make a new member of the vina fans you know and finally me i request the song sa puso ko the latest album of vina morales thank you and god bless you all jorvin jadap
# 12 19 years ago

> let me say hi and hello to the vina fans by the way im jorvin jadap a 1st college of computer science at capitol univerdity here in the ca**an de oro city i diffinately wrote this letter coz i want to make a new member of the vina fans you know and finally me i request the song sa puso ko the latest album of vina morales thank you and god bless you all jorvin jadap
# 13 19 years ago

> let me say hi and hello to the vina fans by the way im jorvin jadap a 1st college of computer science at capitol univerdity here in the ca**an de oro city i diffinately wrote this letter coz i want to make a new member of the vina fans you know and finally me i request the song sa puso ko the latest album of vina morales thank you and god bless you all jorvin jadap
# 14 19 years ago

> let me say hi and hello to the vina fans by the way im jorvin jadap a 1st college of computer science at capitol univerdity here in the ca**an de oro city i diffinately wrote this letter coz i want to make a new member of the vina fans you know and finally me i request the song sa puso ko the latest album of vina morales thank you and god bless you all jorvin jadap
# 15 19 years ago

> let me say hi and hello to the vina fans by the way im jorvin jadap a 1st college of computer science at capitol univerdity here in the ca**an de oro city i diffinately wrote this letter coz i want to make a new member of the vina fans you know and finally me i request the song sa puso ko the latest album of vina morales thank you and god bless you all jorvin jadap
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