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Toyota Commercial

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# 31 19 years ago

Ya I found the site it is at for the group.

# 32 19 years ago

The song is "Beautiful Life" by Fisher The Band. For more of the lastest news, go to:

# 33 19 years ago

> Just saw in and your post came up in google - looking for an answer too! Great tune.
> > Hey, does anyone know anything about the song in the new Toyota commercial? The one with the tire rolling through people's lives. The title might be, "it's a beautiful day".
# 34 19 years ago

check out
# 35 19 years ago

The name of the songwriter and singer is Kathy Fisher of "Fisher the Band". There is more info available at:

I've been looked for days! Can't wait for the full version.
# 36 19 years ago
# 37 19 years ago This link has all the info on the song for which you are searching.
# 38 19 years ago

The band is Fisher the Band. The singer and songwriter is Kathy Fisher. Google Fisher the Band for all info. Hope this helps.
# 39 19 years ago

>sounds like tori amos, but don't know for sure

Just saw in and your post came up in google - looking for an answer too! Great tune.
> > Hey, does anyone know anything about the song in the new Toyota commercial? The one with the tire rolling through people's lives. The title might be, "it's a beautiful day".
# 40 19 years ago

>How funny. I googled a search for the song, and I'm finding nothing yet but a bunch of other people looking for the song... Great tune. I'll post back when I find out...

Just saw in and your post came up in google - looking for an answer too! Great tune.
> > Hey, does anyone know anything about the song in the new Toyota commercial? The one with the tire rolling through people's lives. The title might be, "it's a beautiful day".
# 41 19 years ago

> FOUND IT! Band is 'Fisher', and the song is called Beautiful Life, but it won't be out until CD release 3/05... d**n I'm good.

Just saw in and your post came up in google - looking for an answer too! Great tune.
> > Hey, does anyone know anything about the song in the new Toyota commercial? The one with the tire rolling through people's lives. The title might be, "it's a beautiful day".
# 42 19 years ago

the name of the song is "Beautiful Life" and it is by Fisher The Band. Here is their website:

> Just saw in and your post came up in google - looking for an answer too! Great tune.
> > Hey, does anyone know anything about the song in the new Toyota commercial? The one with the tire rolling through people's lives. The title might be, "it's a beautiful day".
# 43 19 years ago

Here is a link to the band's website. There is news of the release of this song in March 2005. You can download other songs there. Toyota may be putting an MP3 on their website soon.
# 44 19 years ago

> Just saw in and your post came up in google - looking for an answer too! Great tune.
> > Hey, does anyone know anything about the song in the new Toyota commercial? The one with the tire rolling through people's lives. The title might be, "it's a beautiful day".
I'm looking for the same thing...any luck
# 45 19 years ago

I found this link:
> Just saw in and your post came up in
google - looking for an answer too! Great tune.
> > Hey, does anyone know anything about the song in the new Toyota commercial? The one with the tire rolling through people's lives. The title might be, "it's a beautiful day".
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