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HBO Commercial song, ran 9/12???

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# 1 19 years ago

I am trying to figure out what the title and artist name is for the song in the most recent "Sunday Is HBO" commercial that ran before Six Feet Under last Sunday. The chorus was something like "I'll be there for you..." I would be ineffably grateful to anyone who could help.

# 2 19 years ago

It's called "I'll Be There" and it's by a group called "Weekend Players" from their album "Pursuit Of Happiness".

Hope this helps!
# 3 19 years ago

I can't believe you knew it!!! Thank you so much, John!
# 4 19 years ago

> I can't believe you knew it!!! Thank you so much, John!
> >
# 5 19 years ago

> I am trying to figure out what the title and artist name is for the song in the most recent "Sunday Is HBO" commercial that ran before Six Feet Under last Sunday. The chorus was something like "I'll be there for you..." I would be ineffably grateful to anyone who could help.
> Thanks!
# 6 19 years ago

The song listed is not the song from the commercial, any other ideas?
# 7 19 years ago

> Me also...
# 8 19 years ago

Song I heard is the same, but obviously re-worked for the HBO version (slowed down, cleaned up, chuck some instruments, etc.)

Sorry... but it's up to the band now... depends on what they signed for the new version. Good lesson for 'em...
# 9 19 years ago

thats not the one i remember. for one thing it had a male vocalist.
# 10 19 years ago

> I am trying to figure out what the title and artist name is for the song in the most recent "Sunday Is HBO" commercial that ran before Six Feet Under last Sunday. The chorus was something like "I'll be there for you..." I would be ineffably grateful to anyone who could help.
> Thanks!

I think you are talking about the "Fall 2004 Images Campaign. The music is "You Showed Me" by the Turtles, but I do not know who does the version in the add.

Hope it helps, it is a catchy little rendition.
# 11 19 years ago

Please -What is the answer? I've been trying to find it too!!
# 12 19 years ago

> I am trying to figure out what the title and artist name is for the song in the most recent "Sunday Is HBO" commercial that ran before Six Feet Under last Sunday. The chorus was something like "I'll be there for you..." I would be ineffably grateful to anyone who could help.
> Thanks!

SOOOOO.....What's the answer. I just happenes to be thinking the same thing, and I found your question posted. Your response to John is posted, but no actual answer. Please let me know who it is!! Thanks
# 13 19 years ago

> I can't believe you knew it!!! Thank you so much, John!
> >
> i want to find out the name and artist of the song too!!
# 14 19 years ago

> I am trying to figure out what the title and artist name is for the song in the most recent "Sunday Is HBO" commercial that ran before Six Feet Under last Sunday. The chorus was something like "I'll be there for you..." I would be ineffably grateful to anyone who could help.
> Thanks!

me too!!!
# 15 19 years ago

> I am trying to figure out what the title and artist name is for the song in the most recent "Sunday Is HBO" commercial that ran before Six Feet Under last Sunday. The chorus was something like "I'll be there for you..." I would be ineffably grateful to anyone who could help.
> Thanks!
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