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six feet under commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????

Appreciate any feedback!
# 2 19 years ago

> Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????
> Appreciate any feedback!
The song your looking for is by Nina Simone called Feeling Good. It's available on the Compact Jazz - Nina Simone album on the Verve Music lable (1989). This song has been covered countless times, so if you're downloading it, make sure you get the right one.
# 3 19 years ago

i was curious of that myself and if i find out ill inform u
# 4 19 years ago

the artist is nina simone... the title is "feelin' good"...

> Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????
> Appreciate any feedback!
# 5 19 years ago

Nina Simone sings it

> Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????
> Appreciate any feedback!
# 6 19 years ago

PS and the song title is "Feeling Good". Nina Simone, Feeling Good.

> Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????
> Appreciate any feedback!
# 7 19 years ago

The Song is "Feeling Good" by Nina Simone
It's been driving me crazy, I had it stuck in my head.. finally found it :)

> Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????
> Appreciate any feedback!
# 8 19 years ago

I would also like to know, I have been trying like crazy, I believe its "feelin good"
> Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????
> Appreciate any feedback!
# 9 19 years ago

It's nina simone- feel so good
> Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????
> Appreciate any feedback!
# 10 19 years ago

Nina Simone, "Feeling Good" on Verve Unmixed, Track 5.

> Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????
> Appreciate any feedback!
# 11 19 years ago

> Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????
> Appreciate any feedback!
original by steve winwood, feelin' good but muse did the one for the commercial. had a hell of a time finding it.. but i thought i would share it.. awesome song
# 12 19 years ago

> Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????
> Appreciate any feedback!
# 13 19 years ago

> Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????
> Appreciate any feedback!
# 14 18 years ago

> i was curious of that myself and if i find out ill inform u
# 15 18 years ago

> Anyone know the title and artist of the song played during the six feet under commerical (pushing the cart through a grocery store, crow on an aisle sign, lyrics include "...and I feel all right...")????
> Appreciate any feedback!
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