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Does anyone know the actor in the Nike Tennis Commercial?

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# 1 19 years ago

I have tried searching this site, but I give up. I'm sorry if this has been asked already.

Has anyone discovered the name of the actor playing the tennis god in the Serena Williams Nike commercial spot?

# 2 19 years ago

> I have tried searching this site, but I give up. I'm sorry if this has been asked already.
> Has anyone discovered the name of the actor playing the tennis god in the Serena Williams Nike commercial spot?
> Thanks,
> Aurora

The guys name is Gavin Hopper, he is a high profile tennis coach.
# 3 19 years ago

The guy i'm looking for is in the nike tennis commercial with serena williams, it says on here that his name is Gavin Hopper, that's not him, he looks really old, do you have a correct name of who he is? thank you

# 4 19 years ago

That isn't Gavin Hopper. Gavin Hopper was in the news for sexually abusing some girl, a year before I was born even (1980)! He's middle-aged now, nowhere near the adorable cute guy in that particular nike commercial. Coincidentally, they pulled that commercial off the air, where I'm from, because people thought the commercial was too close to what actually happened with Hopper and his students back in the 80s.
# 5 19 years ago

That is not Hopper, his name is Jorg Sirtl, he is a model from Germany, he did the 2002 Fashion Week of The Americas in Miami.
# 6 19 years ago

Francis Varanovich
I contacted Nike because I was curious as well.Jorg Sirtl is his name and hes from Germany. :)
# 7 19 years ago

LG & Francis!!

Thanks a million! I appreciate the info so much.

Big Smiles
# 8 19 years ago

> I have tried searching this site, but I give up. I'm sorry if this has been asked already.
> Has anyone discovered the name of the actor playing the tennis god in the Serena Williams Nike commercial spot?
> Thanks,
> Aurora

# 9 19 years ago

His name is Joerg Setl and he is from Austria but he lives in Florida and he is married! He is 26 years old and his twin Sascha is living in the Big Brother house here in Germany
# 10 19 years ago

His name is Joerg Setl and he is from austria. He is 26 years old. he is living in Florida and he is married. His twin brother Sascha is living in the Big Brother house in Germany
# 11 19 years ago

> I have tried searching this site, but I give up. I'm sorry if this has been asked already.
> Has anyone discovered the name of the actor playing the tennis god in the Serena Williams Nike commercial spot?
> Thanks,
> Aurora
# 12 19 years ago

> That is not Hopper, his name is Jorg Sirtl, he is a model from Germany, he did the 2002 Fashion Week of The Americas in Miami.
# 13 19 years ago


i found the pretty instructor his name is jörg sirtl he is model and he is germain, he's 26 years, size 1,87 of high he is married.
he's a twin brother sascha more famous for playing in the show in reality TV "big brother" season 5.

so, if you want some pictures of sascha, you'll find them if on you search the word sascha sirtl.

sascha and other person of the tv show are registrer a song : "wie'ne family" the german version of "we are family"

a have some pretty hunks pics about sascha, so mail me if you're interested, but please write me only in english or french.

thanks, bye fabili1
# 14 19 years ago


i found the pretty instructor his name is jörg sirtl he is model and he is germain, he's 26 years, size 1,87 of high he is married.
he's a twin brother sascha more famous for playing in the show in reality TV "big brother" season 5.

so, if you want some pictures of sascha, you'll find them if on you search the word sascha sirtl.

sascha and other person of the tv show are registrer a song : "wie'ne family" the german version of "we are family"

a have some pretty hunks pics about sascha, so mail me if you're interested, but please write me only in english or french.

thanks, bye fabili1
# 15 19 years ago

um does she have blone hair and she is young?...because if she is then it is a girl from my school, so write back or IM me at Surfinmermaid, or email at
and i will let you know if it is her or not.
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