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axe commercial songs

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# 31 19 years ago

> I have just seen the new commercial where the man opens a book and the woman's shirt starts to unbutton. I just wanted to know what song that was? Some of the lyrics are like "electric shivers". I don't really know but if you do please help!!
> Thanks!!
# 32 19 years ago

I have seen the commercial about the guy wakin up with a gurl in bed, they follow there clothe line they left the night before wich leads to a grocery store... i wondered what was the song played for that commercial, any one?
# 33 18 years ago

> I need to know the name of the song in the circle of life commercial where the misquitoe bits the guy then the frog eats the misquitoe then the frog is eaten by some french guy then he has sex and dies and then the maggots have the scent
# 34 18 years ago

> > I need to know the name of the song in the circle of life commercial where the misquitoe bits the guy then the frog eats the misquitoe then the frog is eaten by some french guy then he has sex and dies and then the maggots have the scent
# 35 18 years ago

> > I need to know the name of the song in the sunkist soda commercial where there is this dj playing music and then u see people dancing and people at a party
# 36 18 years ago

> > I need to know the name of the song in the circle of life commercial where the misquitoe bits the guy then the frog eats the misquitoe then the frog is eaten by some french guy then he has sex and dies and then the maggots have the scent
# 37 18 years ago

> > I need to know the name of the song in the circle of life commercial where the misquitoe bits the guy then the frog eats the misquitoe then the frog is eaten by some french guy then he has sex and dies and then the maggots have the scent
# 38 18 years ago

> > > I need to know the name of the song in the sunkist soda commercial where there is this dj playing music and then u see people dancing and people at a party
i wanna know the same thing
# 39 18 years ago

> > > I need to know the name of the song in the sunkist soda commercial where there is this dj playing music and then u see people dancing and people at a party

blackalicous - reanimation
# 40 18 years ago

> > > I need to know the name of the song in the sunkist soda commercial where there is this dj playing music and then u see people dancing and people at a party
# 41 18 years ago

# 42 18 years ago

> > > I need to know the name of the song in the sunkist soda commercial where there is this dj playing music and then u see people dancing and people at a party
# 43 18 years ago

> > > I need to know the name of the song in the sunkist soda commercial where there is this dj playing music and then u see people dancing and people at a party
# 44 18 years ago

> > > I need to know the name of the song in the sunkist soda commercial where there is this dj playing music and then u see people dancing and people at a party
# 45 18 years ago

> > I need to know the name of the song in the circle of life commercial where the misquitoe bits the guy then the frog eats the misquitoe then the frog is eaten by some french guy then he has sex and dies and then the maggots have the scent
(Messages 31 to 45 of 72 (Page 3 of 5) ) << Last 15 messages | Next 15 messages >>

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