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Revlon Commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

I love that Revlon commercial song. I would love to know the name and artist because, I would like to purchase it if possible.One line of the song is I BELIEVE IN LOVE. If someone out there knows would you please email me. Thanks.
# 2 19 years ago

Did you ever find out the name of the song (and the artist) in the Revlon commercials? If so, could you e-mail it to me - I'd REEEEEEEEEEEALLY appreciate it.


Have a great day.
# 3 19 years ago

The Song is Bellissimo by Ilya
# 4 19 years ago

I love it too! The artist is Ilya, name of song is Bellissimo, off CD They Died in Beauty. A UK group.
# 5 19 years ago

I am wondering who that song is by. It really reminds me of Nina Simone. Can anyone confirm?

> I love that Revlon commercial song. I would love to know the name and artist because, I would like to purchase it if possible.One line of the song is I BELIEVE IN LOVE. If someone out there knows would you please email me. Thanks.
# 6 19 years ago

> hey i would also like to know the name and artist of that song because i want to buy it too. if you find out what it is, please email it to me at thank you!
# 7 19 years ago

> hey i would also like to know the name and artist of that song because i want to buy it too. if you find out what it is, please email it to me at thank you!
# 8 19 years ago

> that song on the revlon commercial is called Bellisimo by ilya. i dont know if its available in the US however.
# 9 19 years ago

> that song on the revlon commercial is called Bellisimo by ilya. i dont know if its available in the US however.
# 10 19 years ago

> I love that Revlon commercial song. I would love to know the name and artist because, I would like to purchase it if possible.One line of the song is I BELIEVE IN LOVE. If someone out there knows would you please email me. Thanks.
# 11 19 years ago

> I love that Revlon commercial song. I would love to know the name and artist because, I would like to purchase it if possible.One line of the song is I BELIEVE IN LOVE. If someone out there knows would you please email me. Thanks.

Before Halle Berry slips into her leather suit for this summer's CATWOMAN movie, she appears in a series of new ads for Revlon make-up. The campaign, featuring actresses Berry, Julianne Moore, Eva Mendes and Jaime King, documents the journey of each woman arriving "at the same physical and emotional destination in her own unique way." The TV spots are called "Four Women. Four Stories. One Destination.", and feature one seductive song, "Bellissimo," performed by the group Ilya from their CD "They Died For Beauty."
# 12 19 years ago

> I love that Revlon commercial song. I would love to know the name and artist because, I would like to purchase it if possible.One line of the song is I BELIEVE IN LOVE. If someone out there knows would you please email me. Thanks.
# 13 19 years ago

>Have you found the name/artist of the song. If so, please inform me. I love the song, too. Thanks.

I love that Revlon commercial song. I would love to know the name and artist because, I would like to purchase it if possible.One line of the song is I BELIEVE IN LOVE. If someone out there knows would you please email me. Thanks.
# 14 19 years ago

Hey eveybody,

Why dont you all complain to the admins of this site because all the links between the message threads are broken.

Whooo hooooo - stupidity is all around us.
# 15 19 years ago

> I love that Revlon commercial song. I would love to know the name and artist because, I would like to purchase it if possible.One line of the song is I BELIEVE IN LOVE. If someone out there knows would you please email me. Thanks.

Hi!I found out who's the artist of the song "bellisimo" someone who's called iIya
you can purchase it at hope I been alot of help to ya!
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