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Blonde in the Kia Spectra TV Ad

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# 1 22 years ago

Does anyone know who is the cute blonde in the Kia Spectra TV ad?
Has she done other commercials, shows or movies?
Thanks for your help.
# 2 22 years ago

Spider John
> Does anyone know who is the cute blonde in the Kia Spectra TV ad?
: Has she done other commercials, shows or movies?
: Thanks for your help.
She was in a car insurance commercial. Forget which one.

# 3 22 years ago

Spider john
> : Does anyone know who is the cute blonde in the Kia Spectra TV ad?
:> Has she done other commercials, shows or movies?
:> Thanks for your help.
> She was in a car insurance commercial. Forget which one.
She complains that 'Everyone seems to be blissfully happy.' The guy says, 'C'mon, your the best driver I know. C'mon, where's the Wendy that I know? Doesn't that you feel any better?'
Then she smiles and does the two finger ' a bit' thing.

# 4 22 years ago

> Does anyone know who is the cute blonde in the Kia Spectra TV ad?

Wish I knew.... but here is the link with a lot of info on the commercial and a link to watch it online!

# 5 22 years ago

> She complains that 'Everyone seems to be blissfully happy.' The guy says, 'C'mon, your the best driver I know. C'mon, where's the Wendy that I know? Doesn't that you feel any better?'
> Then she smiles and does the two finger 'a bit' thing.
Because what she WANTS is to drive his car. And it's when he lets her that she finally cheers up.

# 6 22 years ago

> : Does anyone know who is the cute blonde in the Kia Spectra TV ad?
: Wish I knew.... but here is the link with a lot of info on the commercial and a link to watch it online!

: DC
i played the tow truck driver in the kia ad you speak of. she's a sweetheart who's an actor in la. can't tell you her name though!

# 7 22 years ago

> :> Does anyone know who is the cute blonde in the Kia Spectra TV ad?
:> : Has she done other commercials, shows or movies?
:> : Thanks for your help.
>> She was in a car insurance commercial. Forget which one.
> She complains that 'Everyone seems to be blissfully happy.' The guy says, 'C'mon, your the best driver I know. C'mon, where's the Wendy that I know? Doesn't that you feel any better?'
> Then she smiles and does the two finger ' a bit' thing.
I think you're mixing her up with that girl from the Circuit City commercial (where her boyfriend promises to behave but when they get to the door he bolts for the toys) who was also in a Land Rover commercial (where the guy at the toll booth begs to go with her) and also a commercial where the guy has slow response time (she's the one that says she loves him, waits, gets upset and walks out...then he responds that he loves her too). I'm nearly positive this girl is not the one from the insurance commercial.

# 8 22 years ago

> :> Does anyone know who is the cute blonde in the Kia Spectra TV ad?
:> : Has she done other commercials, shows or movies?
:> : Thanks for your help.
>> She was in a car insurance commercial. Forget which one.
> She complains that 'Everyone seems to be blissfully happy.' The guy says, 'C'mon, your the best driver I know. C'mon, where's the Wendy that I know? Doesn't that you feel any better?'
> Then she smiles and does the two finger ' a bit' thing.
Link below to the Advertising Agency in LA that created the commercial. Maybe contacting them might get you a name. Just a thought. And yes, she is very cute. You miss most of the commercial keeping you eyes on her.

# 9 22 years ago

> :> Does anyone know who is the cute blonde in the Kia Spectra TV ad?
:> : Has she done other commercials, shows or movies?
:> : Thanks for your help.
>> She was in a car insurance commercial. Forget which one.
> She complains that 'Everyone seems to be blissfully happy.' The guy says, 'C'mon, your the best driver I know. C'mon, where's the Wendy that I know? Doesn't that you feel any better?'
> Then she smiles and does the two finger ' a bit' thing.
Don't have any info but you can watch the commercial at
# 10 22 years ago

no idea who that chick is, all i know is i'm in love

# 11 21 years ago

> : Does anyone know who is the cute blonde in the Kia Spectra TV ad?
I think her name is Stacey Scowley. She has some minor acting credits on IMDB and you can find a couple pics using Google.
: Wish I knew.... but here is the link with a lot of info on the commercial and a link to watch it online!

: DC

# 12 20 years ago

:Her name is STACEY SCOWLEY!!!! She has been in several movies....namely 'The Brotherhood' (part one and two), 'Sleeper' and 'Hell Asylum'. I never saw her before the comercial though. She is so perfect....for me it was LOVE at first site.

> Does anyone know who is the cute blonde in the Kia Spectra TV ad?
:> Has she done other commercials, shows or movies?
:> Thanks for your help.
> She was in a car insurance commercial. Forget which one.

# 13 21 years ago

I've have unsuccessfully trying to find out who she is; I don't remember seeing her before, but she is adorable. Let me know if you find out.

# 14 21 years ago

> Does anyone know who is the cute blonde in the Kia Spectra TV ad?
: Has she done other commercials, shows or movies?
: Thanks for your help.
I don't know..but she's hot!
# 15 21 years ago

> : Does anyone know who is the cute blonde in the Kia Spectra TV ad?
: Wish I knew.... but here is the link with a lot of info on the commercial and a link to watch it online!

: DC
Sorry, that link doesn't work anymore...shame as that was a good site...i'd just like to know...does anyone recognize the tune playing...something about 'my lucky boyfriend'...very catchy...

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