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Kia Spectra Commercial Song

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# 1 21 years ago

Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.
# 2 21 years ago

Did you find out yet? I am anxiously awaith the answer. If I get an answer first I will post it. Regards, Tlew

# 3 21 years ago

> Did you find out yet? I am anxiously awaiting the answer. If I get an answer first I will post it. Regards, Tlew

# 4 21 years ago

I got it: Genius of Love - Tom Tom Club
# 5 21 years ago

Didn't Mariah Carey do a remix of the song? Fantasy ?

: Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.

# 6 21 years ago

It's called Genius of Love by the Tom Tom Club

: Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.

# 7 21 years ago

Ok, now who's the name of the gal/actress in the commercial?
# 8 21 years ago

> I got it: Genius of Love - Tom Tom Club

# 9 21 years ago

Does anybody know who the actress is? I can't find that information anywhere!
Thanks :)

> Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.

# 10 21 years ago

I searched for this a couple of hours last weekend, unsuccessfully. I've seen her in another commmercial previously (restaurant, outside - maybe some cellphone commerical?). I have a feeling she'll become very famous soon (I had the same feeling about Rachael Leigh Cook when I first saw that egg/drugs PSA). All I know is that the 'David and Goliath' ad agency produced it, and there's no info on their site.
> Does anybody know who the actress is? I can't find that information anywhere!
> Thanks :)

:> Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.

# 11 21 years ago

> : Did you find out yet? I am anxiously awaiting the answer. If I get an answer first I will post it. Regards, Tlew
I think it's Tom Tom club??

# 12 21 years ago

Genius of Love by Tom Tom Club
:> Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.

# 13 21 years ago

> I searched for this a couple of hours last weekend, unsuccessfully. I've seen her in another commmercial previously (restaurant, outside - maybe some cellphone commerical?). I have a feeling she'll become very famous soon (I had the same feeling about Rachael Leigh Cook when I first saw that egg/drugs PSA). All I know is that the 'David and Goliath' ad agency produced it, and there's no info on their site.
>> Does anybody know who the actress is? I can't find that information anywhere!
>> Thanks :)
:> : Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.

The name of the song is 'Genius of Love' and it's by the Tom Tom Club. You can download it from Grokster!

# 14 20 years ago

heyim lookin for whoever sang that song too, have you found out who it is yet??

# 15 21 years ago

> I searched for this a couple of hours last weekend, unsuccessfully. I've seen her in another commmercial previously (restaurant, outside - maybe some cellphone commerical?). I have a feeling she'll become very famous soon (I had the same feeling about Rachael Leigh Cook when I first saw that egg/drugs PSA). All I know is that the 'David and Goliath' ad agency produced it, and there's no info on their site.
>> Does anybody know who the actress is? I can't find that information anywhere!
>> Thanks :)
:> : Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.

:> : Hi this in response to the person who wants the song off the commercial...I was looking for it too when I realized I had it! I think I must have a newer version of the song because mine is from Mariah Carey it's called Fantasy. Hope this helps.
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