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Kia Spectra Commercial Song

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# 16 21 years ago

The song in the commercial is a remix of Mariah Carey's Fantasy done by ODB. Enjoy
Rich =O)
# 17 21 years ago

Tom Tom Club
song: Genius of Love

# 18 21 years ago

> Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.
> What about the Kia Tow Truck Driver? Anyone know who he is?

# 19 20 years ago

: Didn't Mariah Carey do a remix of the song? Fantasy ?
:> Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.

I don't she dated 3 different guys. The commerical shows her going through years with the same guy and eventually he is gone but the dog is still there

# 20 21 years ago

music master
> Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.
The song is Genius Of Love, a BIG dance hit in 1981/1982. Tom Tom Club was an offshoot of the group Talking Heads.
music master

# 21 21 years ago

> Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.
Hey, looking for the same info............who does sing it. If any luck please contact me from the addy
# 22 21 years ago

> Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.

# 23 21 years ago

I believe it's by Tom Tom Club and it's called Genius of Love.
Yep, Mariah Carey did Fantasy which sounds like it too.

# 24 21 years ago

FORGET the song! Who's the young actress who plays the 'girl'? Man when I saw her it was love at first sight. She is incredible. Anyone know who she is??

> Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.

# 25 21 years ago

> Ok, now who's the name of the gal/actress in the commercial?
the sone is genius of love by the tom tom club an offshoot of talking heads
# 26 21 years ago

> Ok, now who's the name of the gal/actress in the commercial?
the sone is genius of love by the tom tom club an offshoot of talking heads
what's the actress' name?
# 27 21 years ago

Here is a link to a picture of her ~>
The picture of her in the commercial. Added for posterity!
# 28 21 years ago

robby b
The song is 'Genius of Love' by the The Tom-Tom Club (a spin-off band of the Talking Heads). The song is sampled frequently nowadays. Probably the most notable use of it was in Mariah Carey's early 90's hit 'Fantasy.'

# 29 21 years ago

> Hey I'm looking for the artist and song for the new Kia Spectra commercial. The add features a single gal dating three different guys unsuccfully while driving in her Spectra with her dog. Its a old 80's song, thanks fer the help.
the song is called 'genious of love' by the tom tom club!
hope it helps

# 30 21 years ago

I'm looking for a copy of the add, like an .avi file.
The chick on there looks exactly like my friend, and she has never seen it.
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