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# 1 19 years ago

how do i post a question in here??
# 2 19 years ago

Does anyone know the song that is playing in the car when all the girls just finished singing michelle branch? It says through the window in it, but I don't know who it's by or what it is called?
# 3 19 years ago

Its called "Get Low" by little John and the yen yang twins
# 4 19 years ago

I wanted to know the same thing..I like that song..its a hot beat:)
# 5 19 years ago

i dunno what song you might be refering to.. but are you refering to the scene where the girls are shocked when they hear the N word? the first song is "a thousand miles" by vanessa carlton.. and the second song is the one that you want

> Does anyone know the song that is playing in the car when all the girls just finished singing michelle branch? It says through the window in it, but I don't know who it's by or what it is called?
# 6 19 years ago

the song is definately not Get Low btw

> Does anyone know the song that is playing in the car when all the girls just finished singing michelle branch? It says through the window in it, but I don't know who it's by or what it is called?
# 7 19 years ago

Sorry everyone it is Get Low by Lil Jon and Eastside Boyz ...fastforward to around 29 seconds into the song and it does say "through the window" ... :-P

> Does anyone know the song that is playing in the car when all the girls just finished singing michelle branch? It says through the window in it, but I don't know who it's by or what it is called?
# 8 19 years ago

> i dunno what song you might be refering to.. but are you refering to the scene where the girls are shocked when they hear the N word? the first song is "a thousand miles" by vanessa carlton.. and the second song is the one that you want
> > Does anyone know the song that is playing in the car when all the girls just finished singing michelle branch? It says through the window in it, but I don't know who it's by or what it is called?

Its definetely not Get Low, the song has the N word in it about 900 times right at the beginning when they are talking about not saying the "N" word etc
# 9 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the song that is playing in the car when all the girls just finished singing michelle branch? It says through the window in it, but I don't know who it's by or what it is called?
# 10 19 years ago

what is the name of the song that michelle branch sang?
# 11 19 years ago

ride or die
> i dunno what song you might be refering to.. but are you refering to the scene where the girls are shocked when they hear the N word? the first song is "a thousand miles" by vanessa carlton.. and the second song is the one that you want
> > Does anyone know the song that is playing in the car when all the girls just finished singing michelle branch? It says through the window in it, but I don't know who it's by or what it is called?
# 12 19 years ago

In the movie, they play a different song after they change the station. In the commericial, the song IS 'Get Low' but in the movie, it's a different one. But I have no clue what the name of it is.

> Does anyone know the song that is playing in the car when all the girls just finished singing michelle branch? It says through the window in it, but I don't know who it's by or what it is called?
# 13 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the song that is playing in the car when all the girls just finished singing michelle branch? It says through the window in it, but I don't know who it's by or what it is called?
# 14 19 years ago

its called the realest niggaz by 50 cent
# 15 19 years ago

it call real niggas by 50 cent and biggie smalls
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