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axe effect love song

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# 1 19 years ago

There is an axe effect commercial playing in the states. First a young man sprays some axe effect body spray on himself and gets lucky later with two girls in a club. A mosquito bites him, a frog eats the mosquito, an old man eats the frog. The old man gets lucky with a glamourous woman and he dies happy. What is the song playing in the background? I think it goes "give me love, give me love, love,love,love. . ."
# 2 19 years ago

> There is an axe effect commercial playing in the states. First a young man sprays some axe effect body spray on himself and gets lucky later with two girls in a club. A mosquito bites him, a frog eats the mosquito, an old man eats the frog. The old man gets lucky with a glamourous woman and he dies happy. What is the song playing in the background? I think it goes "give me love, give me love, love,love,love. . ."
# 3 19 years ago

> There is an axe effect commercial playing in the states. First a young man sprays some axe effect body spray on himself and gets lucky later with two girls in a club. A mosquito bites him, a frog eats the mosquito, an old man eats the frog. The old man gets lucky with a glamourous woman and he dies happy. What is the song playing in the background? I think it goes "give me love, give me love, love,love,love. . ."
# 4 19 years ago

> There is an axe effect commercial playing in the states. First a young man sprays some axe effect body spray on himself and gets lucky later with two girls in a club. A mosquito bites him, a frog eats the mosquito, an old man eats the frog. The old man gets lucky with a glamourous woman and he dies happy. What is the song playing in the background? I think it goes "give me love, give me love, love,love,love. . ."
# 5 19 years ago

> There is an axe effect commercial playing in the states. First a young man sprays some axe effect body spray on himself and gets lucky later with two girls in a club. A mosquito bites him, a frog eats the mosquito, an old man eats the frog. The old man gets lucky with a glamourous woman and he dies happy. What is the song playing in the background? I think it goes "give me love, give me love, love,love,love. . ."
# 6 19 years ago

the song is Feeling The Love by Reactor. It took me a long time to find the song, but thanks to good old Google, i finally found it! if you would like to download the song, you may download it freely off my webserver @ and then find it there. However, it's only available from roughly 3 P.M. - 11 P.M. (Eastern time zone)
# 7 19 years ago

> There is an axe effect commercial playing in the states. First a young man sprays some axe effect body spray on himself and gets lucky later with two girls in a club. the song is Feeling The Love by Reactor. It took me a long time to find the song, but thanks to good old Google, i finally found it! if you would like to download the song, you may download it freely off my webserver @ and then find it there. However, it's only available from roughly 3 P.M. - 11 P.M. (Eastern time zone)
# 8 19 years ago

> There is an axe effect commercial playing in the states. First a young man sprays some axe effect body spray on himself and gets lucky later with two girls in a club. A mosquito bites him, a frog eats the mosquito, an old man eats the frog. The old man gets lucky with a glamourous woman and he dies happy. What is the song playing in the background? I think it goes "give me love, give me love, love,love,love. . ."

I think that it is called "Make Luv" by Room 5
# 9 19 years ago


I was hunting this song, thanks for the link.

David from Hungary (15 years old)
# 10 18 years ago

The music on this commercial is a live recording created for the television commercial by Novaprod a music production company in Paris, France. The title is "L'Ascenceur". The music was composed by Thierry Fauchard and Alain Plumauzille and published by Nova Tempo.

This is "commercial music" that was created specifically for the elevator commercial. Only 30 seconds exists, it is not a snippet from a longer song that someone has sung. Unfortunately, this song cannot be purchased at a music store or downloaded via the internet. We will certainly pass your interest to our marketing staff.
# 11 18 years ago

Great commercial. I saw this for the first time as a theatrical trailer. Indeed, we are all interconnected. The song is a perfect match. Love as what we desire most in a life where we are destined to be wormfood. Ironic though isn't it, Axe's marketing team capturing on an ecological feel and then peddling toxins to the simple-minded. Take a look at what's inside this stuff. Worms deserve better.
# 12 18 years ago

Its called "You give me love" by Manuk....good luck finding it =)
# 13 18 years ago

> > There is an axe effect commercial playing in the states. First a young man sprays some axe effect body spray on himself and gets lucky later with two girls in a club. A mosquito bites him, a frog eats the mosquito, an old man eats the frog. The old man gets lucky with a glamourous woman and he dies happy. What is the song playing in the background? I think it goes "give me love, give me love, love,love,love. . ."
> ---------------------------------------------
> I think that it is called "Make Luv" by Room 5
# 14 18 years ago

> There is an axe effect commercial playing in the states. First a young man sprays some axe effect body spray on himself and gets lucky later with two girls in a club. A mosquito bites him, a frog eats the mosquito, an old man eats the frog. The old man gets lucky with a glamourous woman and he dies happy. What is the song playing in the background? I think it goes "give me love, give me love, love,love,love. . ."
# 15 18 years ago

Not even close.
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