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Super New Hummer Commercial music

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# 1 20 years ago

There's a new hummer commercial which isn't on the hummer site. It has the Best music and almost got my into liking the hummer. Anyone know about this commercial? I can't really remember what the commercial featured but when I comes on again I'll take note of somethings to describe it.
# 2 20 years ago

i might now what ur talking about, does the commercial show the hummer driving in a bunch of different settings such as snow grass ect?
# 3 20 years ago

what is the newest hummer comercial song, its when they are at a campfire and making chinease lantern kite type things, with candles and stuff the song is like "gotta find a way to get home"
# 4 20 years ago

I agree.
I've been trying to track down the name of the song too.
In the commerical, the big beast is cruising through the desert by moonlight.
The song is some cool downbeat stuff that I don't recognize.

(And for Josh, the campfire commercial song is by Mohave 3. Check the hummer website.)
# 5 20 years ago

Totally - it's some of the best music I've ever heard, but for some reason that commercial isn't listed on their website. :(

> I agree.
> I've been trying to track down the name of the song too.
> In the commerical, the big beast is cruising through the desert by moonlight.
> The song is some cool downbeat stuff that I don't recognize.
> (And for Josh, the campfire commercial song is by Mohave 3. Check the hummer website.)
# 6 20 years ago

> Totally - it's some of the best music I've ever heard, but for some reason that commercial isn't listed on their website. :(

instead i watched the regis ad repeatedly.

"how faw tuh byambee?"
# 7 20 years ago

the agency that did that commercial is called modernista! its on their website i want to know the name of that song too.

> Totally - it's some of the best music I've ever heard, but for some reason that commercial isn't listed on their website. :(
> > I agree.
> > I've been trying to track down the name of the song too.
> > In the commerical, the big beast is cruising through the desert by moonlight.
> > The song is some cool downbeat stuff that I don't recognize.
> >
> > (And for Josh, the campfire commercial song is by Mohave 3. Check the hummer website.)
# 8 20 years ago

Bob Hagopian
> i might now what ur talking about, does the commercial show the hummer driving in a bunch of different settings such as snow grass ect?

I don't know whether this is the commercial the original poster was inquiring about, but I happen to like the one you mentioned quite a lot. Any luck finding the name?
# 9 20 years ago

> the agency that did that commercial is called modernista! its on their website i want to know the name of that song too.

Thanks for the tip but I don't see it there either. It's a night commerical, right?

The ads on their website are all on the hummer website as well...unless I missed something.

# 10 20 years ago

If you are refering to the commercial filmed at dusk going into night where it's all glitchy and jerky filming, I know the music group and name of the song.
# 11 20 years ago

> There's a new hummer commercial that I like with Regis Philbin on it, on a cruise ship. I would like to know the name of the artist that did the music for it and the name of the song on the commercial. Can someone let me know? Thank you!!
# 12 19 years ago

> > There's a new hummer commercial that I like with Regis Philbin on it, on a cruise ship. I would like to know the name of the artist that did the music for it and the name of the song on the commercial. Can someone let me know? Thank you!!
> Alison

Alison, Its called HELP YOURSELF by Tom Jones
# 13 19 years ago

> If you are refering to the commercial filmed >at dusk going into night where it's all >glitchy and jerky filming, I know the music >group and name of the song.

And you dont post the name of the group and song because why?
# 14 19 years ago

Check it out:

"Thank you for contacting HUMMER! We believe that the commercial that you are refering to is called "Search Engine". We have recently loaded it onto the web site, and appologize for the inconvenience. The name of the band which performed the song is "Rhythm of Snow" and the song is called "Getting closer to an unknown goal". The album is called "42 more things to do in zero gravity", and is on UNI:FORM records."

they aren't big on spelling, but now i'm going to check out the album.

# 15 19 years ago

hi hummer
what is the newest hummer comercial song, its the hummer driving at night in a strobe light and its electronic techno mucic, maybe hummer should come out with a cd of all its music?
please email with song name and info.
thank you
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