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Super New Hummer Commercial music

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# 16 19 years ago

Yes, the song is just great.

it is:
"Getting Closer to an Unknown Goal by Rhythm of Snow. (aka yagya)
# 17 19 years ago

> Totally - it's some of the best music I've ever heard, but for some reason that commercial isn't listed on their website. :(
> > I agree.
> > I've been trying to track down the name of the song too.
> > In the commerical, the big beast is cruising through the desert by moonlight.
> > The song is some cool downbeat stuff that I don't recognize.
> >
> > (And for Josh, the campfire commercial song is by Mohave 3. Check the hummer website.)
> the song is called getting closer to an unknown goal by rhythm of snow. it is on the hummer website.
# 18 18 years ago

if im thinking of the correct one, the backround song is:

the album leaf - vermillion

off of their record "One Day I'll Be On Time"

> Totally - it's some of the best music I've ever heard, but for some reason that commercial isn't listed on their website. :(
> > I agree.
> > I've been trying to track down the name of the song too.
> > In the commerical, the big beast is cruising through the desert by moonlight.
> > The song is some cool downbeat stuff that I don't recognize.
> >
> > (And for Josh, the campfire commercial song is by Mohave 3. Check the hummer website.)
# 19 18 years ago

> what is the newest hummer comercial song, its when they are at a campfire and making chinease lantern kite type things, with candles and stuff the song is like "gotta find a way to get home"
# 20 18 years ago

> what is the newest hummer comercial song, its when they are just driving out on the rode-its got a sweet song it in-its a rock song.i'd like to know the name.
# 21 18 years ago

Check out this site. It tells you who the song artist is.
# 22 18 years ago

if its the one with the girlo in the front seat whos hair is all whispy in the wind than the song is by the midwest project and its... well i forget the name but thats who it is... have fun!
# 23 18 years ago

> > what is the newest hummer comercial song, its when they are just driving out on the rode-its got a sweet song it in-its a rock song.i'd like to know the name.
# 24 18 years ago

I would really like to know too!!!!! its an awesome song!
# 25 18 years ago

yea there was this kinda techno song it was by ratatat and its called seventeen years. thats like my favorite song!
# 26 18 years ago

yea there was this kinda techno song it was by ratatat and its called seventeen years. thats like my favorite song!
# 27 18 years ago

If it's the girl with the long red hair and the slow motion, the song is called "Swamp" by Midwest Product (Album: A World Series of Love). I love the song from that commercial and thankfully, they (Hummer) were thoughtful enough to put that info on their site.... just go to and at the bottom there's a link for "the new TV spot"... and there are stills of each commericial so you can click on each one and get all the info. sweet!

# 28 18 years ago

> > > what is the newest hummer comercial song, its when they are just driving out on the rode-its got a sweet song it in-its a rock song.i'd like to know the name.
# 29 18 years ago

I am really anxious to find out that song as well. Ive been searching everywhere!

> > > what is the newest hummer comercial song, its when they are just driving out on the rode-its got a sweet song it in-its a rock song.i'd like to know the name.
# 30 17 years ago

> > > what is the newest hummer comercial song, its when they are just driving out on the rode-its got a sweet song it in-its a rock song.i'd like to know the name.
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