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Geico and others

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# 1 20 years ago

does anyone know the name/artist of the GEICO commercials [the one with the gecko in the car, not the employee one, the new ones..] and the name/artist for the Pepsi/iTunes commercial...

# 2 20 years ago

Are you talking about the one where the Geico Gecko is in the Mercedes sleeping at night? I've been searching for that song as well, if you find out please e-mail me at
# 3 20 years ago

yeah, and the one with the dogs
# 4 20 years ago

> does anyone know the name/artist of the GEICO commercials [the one with the gecko in the car, not the employee one, the new ones..] and the name/artist for the Pepsi/iTunes commercial...
> ty
# 5 20 years ago

>let me know if you find out about that song. It's been stuck in my head for days. Could you please e-mail me at
# 6 20 years ago

For the "Dogs" ad, we used the song, "Lonesome Magic Vice Harvest" by Alexandre Geindre. The song is available on the CD entitled "Fashion Week #1". M. Geindre is a French artist
# 7 20 years ago

Hello I recently found and posted the music from the Geico "Dogs" commercial . . .

Go to

Right Click the Gecko and -save target- to your HardDrive.

The song is in MP3 format and is quite large 7MB or so . . .

# 8 20 years ago

> Hello I recently found and posted the music from the Geico "Dogs" commercial . . .
> Go to
> Right Click the Gecko and -save target- to your HardDrive.
> The song is in MP3 format and is quite large 7MB or so . . .

Thanks dude you are a total stud and that is definately the song from the commercial!
# 9 20 years ago

The Gecko sez:

"The song used for the ad where I am sleeping in the back seat of the minivan was an original recording prepared for GEICO, it's not available."
# 10 20 years ago

> does anyone know the name/artist of the GEICO commercials [the one with the gecko in the car, not the employee one, the new ones..] and the name/artist for the Pepsi/iTunes commercial...
> ty
# 11 20 years ago

> Are you talking about the one where the Geico Gecko is in the Mercedes sleeping at night? I've been searching for that song as well, if you find out please e-mail me at
# 12 20 years ago

> > does anyone know the name/artist of the GEICO commercials [the one with the gecko in the car, not the employee one, the new ones..] and the name/artist for the Pepsi/iTunes commercial...
> >
> > ty
# 13 20 years ago

From the "Gecko blog" -- Many of my loyal fans want to know about the music for these spots. For the "Dogs" ad, we used the song, "Lonesome Magic Vice Harvest" by Alexandre Geindre. The song is available on the CD entitled "Fashion Week #1". M. Geindre is a French artist, but the CD is available at both and Barnes And Noble.

> > does anyone know the name/artist of the GEICO commercials [the one with the gecko in the car, not the employee one, the new ones..] and the name/artist for the Pepsi/iTunes commercial...
> >
> > ty
# 14 20 years ago

> Are you talking about the one where the Geico Gecko is in the Mercedes sleeping at night? I've been searching for that song as well, if you find out please e-mail me at
# 15 20 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the male actor in the Geico ad of the two soap-opera like people arguing? "I thought that meant something to you".

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