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Hi Hillary Duff

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# 31 19 years ago

> hi hilary my name is Caitlin i am from Rivers Manitoba i have to tell u that ur my biggest fan ever and the coolest singer there is if u can email me at i would luv u even more. i have all ur cd's soooooo coollll i mostly listen to ur music every day and watch u on t.v like lizzie Mcguire and i watch ur movies like cadet kelly and lizzie mcguire the movie i have to go now bye and i wish u good luck in and new album ur making or being in any new movie.
# 32 19 years ago

> Hi hillary I'm your #1 fan! I sooooooooooo
> love your music and every thing else about you.I sooooooooo hope you send me an email if you have time. I always ask my mom if I can go to your conserts!!! Ecsept there allways so far away try to do more in west plam beach fl .Well heres my phone number and email adderss (781)-330-6464. don't forget you rock. Oh yeah I also love your tv seires (lizzie mcguire) and your acting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did you become an actor? And I know you did ballet when you were yonger i love everthing about you and i turn 13 in march and i wanted to meet you and I want to know your phone one of my friends talked to you i want to you rock hillary from your number 1 fan!
# 33 19 years ago

Hi Hillary!!Me and my sister lydia r HUGE
fans!!!! Me and my sister lydia look up to u as a rome model!! You can sing SOoOoO good!!!! we wish we could act AND sing like you!! Me and my sister are looking for producers to talk to. we want to be in a movie or my sister who is 8 can sing really good!! she is trying to get a singing carrer. I'm a good actress so I want to act in a movie!!! I'm 12 i have blonde hair and I'm 5'1" my sister has blond hair and is 4'0" you can't or maby you can imagine how long we've been wanting to meet and become actresses!! plZzZz msg me and my sister at!!!!
Ps I loved ur movie RAISE UR VOICE!!!!!!!
# 34 18 years ago

HI Hillary i am your greatest fan, i have everything of yours, i have never missed a show of lizzie maguire and i would just love to be you, Just want to say you have stared in so films with some right hotty's, that one out of Raise your voice was the hottiest i think. I would really like you to get in touch with me so this is my addey luv ya Shaunna xx
# 35 18 years ago

HI Hillary i am your greatest fan, i have everything of yours, i have never missed a show of lizzie maguire and i would just love to be you, Just want to say you have stared in so films with some right hotty's, that one out of Raise your voice was the hottiest i think. I would really like you to get in touch with me so this is my addey luv ya Shaunna xx
# 36 18 years ago

> Hi Hillary I want to be a superstar just like u!Maby we could keep in touch and I can meet you some day. That would be my dreem. Well you teach me how to sing. I really want to sing that is my deam. Will you tell me how?I would give you a big hug because mean so much to me you would mean more if you toutght me how to sing. my name is Tasha and i want to sing like you. P.s. wright back
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