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letter to hillary duff

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# 31 20 years ago

> >i love Hilary Duff.i would love to meat her and sing with her thazt how much i would like to meat Hilary.if i have a not so good day and i listen to her CD it makes me happy again.She's like a hero.she sings so good.i wish i could meat Hilary someday i have always wanted to.
# 32 20 years ago

> >i love Hilary Duff.i would love to meat her and sing with her thazt how much i would like to meat Hilary.if i have a not so good day and i listen to her CD it makes me happy again.She's like a hero.she sings so good.i wish i could meat Hilary someday i have always wanted to.
# 33 20 years ago

> >i love Hilary Duff.i would love to meat her and sing with her thazt how much i would like to meat Hilary.if i have a not so good day and i listen to her CD it makes me happy again.She's like a hero.she sings so good.i wish i could meat Hilary someday i have always wanted to.
# 34 20 years ago

> >i love Hilary Duff.i would love to meat her and sing with her thazt how much i would like to meat Hilary.if i have a not so good day and i listen to her CD it makes me happy again.She's like a hero.she sings so good.i wish i could meat Hilary someday i have always wanted to.
# 35 20 years ago

> >i love Hilary Duff.i would love to meat her and sing with her thazt how much i would like to meat Hilary.if i have a not so good day and i listen to her CD it makes me happy again.She's like a hero.she sings so good.i wish i could meat Hilary someday i have always wanted to.
# 36 20 years ago

> >i love Hilary Duff.i would love to meat her and sing with her thazt how much i would like to meat Hilary.if i have a not so good day and i listen to her CD it makes me happy again.She's like a hero.she sings so good.i wish i could meat Hilary someday i have always wanted to.
# 37 20 years ago

> >i love Hilary Duff.i would love to meat her and sing with her thazt how much i would like to meat Hilary.if i have a not so good day and i listen to her CD it makes me happy again.She's like a hero.she sings so good.i wish i could meat Hilary someday i have always wanted to.
# 38 20 years ago

> >i love Hilary Duff.i would love to meat her and sing with her thazt how much i would like to meat Hilary.if i have a not so good day and i listen to her CD it makes me happy again.She's like a hero.she sings so good.i wish i could meat Hilary someday i have always wanted to.
# 39 20 years ago

Hey, Hillary Hi, My name is Mia Carey I'm 9 years old.I have your C.D.Metamorphosis I LOVE So Yesturday, Come Clean,and Why Not.I watch Lizzie Mcgure I crack up evry time.
I'm your BIGEST FAN of yours.Well see ya!

From:Mia Carey age:9years old
# 40 20 years ago

> Hey, Hillary Hi, My name is Mia Carey I'm 9 years old.I have your C.D.Metamorphosis I LOVE So Yesturday, Come Clean,and Why Not.I watch Lizzie Mcgure I crack up evry time.
> I'm your BIGEST FAN of yours.Well see ya!
> From:Mia Carey age:9years old
> >
# 41 20 years ago

> >i like Hilary Duff.i would like to meat her and talk with her thazt how much i would like to meat Hilary.if i have a not so good day and i listen to one of her songs it makes me happy again.She's like a hero.she sings good.i wish i could meat Hilary someday i have always wanted to.
talk to her!
# 42 20 years ago

> >i like Hilary Duff.i would like to meat her and talk with her thazt how much i would like to meat Hilary.if i have a not so good day and i listen to one of her songs it makes me happy again.She's like a hero.she sings good.i wish i could meat Hilary someday i have always wanted to.
talk to her!
# 43 20 years ago

Hey hillary you are amazing beautiful and the best singer and actor i have seen. I love you will you go out with me.

Love Mike
# 44 20 years ago

hey hillary,
huge fan ur so cool and i love your songs and videos too.i love lizzy mguire to!!!!!your everything i wanna be.My favorite episode was lizzy and kates big adventure because it showed a different side of kate and it made me feel like i should be myself and stop caring what other people think about me.
But i do have to say i do look like you people tll me that all the time!!!My favorite song on your 1st cd is medomorphises.the beat was way cool but your voice is way better.What was it like working with frankie munez on the set of agent cody banks.i saw the Lizzy Mguire movie to AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sighned your biggest fan
# 45 20 years ago

so........hillary i am a fan of you and you would noit to becomein my frind wel......i love you fery much like a fan bud ..... okey i must go nou....bye
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