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help to become a singer

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# 1 20 years ago

Hi Hillary it's me and I was wondering if you could help me you see i have these friends and ever since I turned 6 years old I've wanted to be a singer and if you could help me with this I would be so great full I know how busy you are with the stuff your doing but I really need your help and do you think you would be able to see me and help me out because I live in Rochester Minnesota. P.S. Please Hillary it's my only chance.
# 2 20 years ago

>Hi my name is Elisha Im a 15 yr old girl looking for a futer in singing (I have an amazing voice and nowone can understand how I am putting my voice to no use I have sang sence I was 4 and now I want to turn this into my career. I need to now how to find perducers so I can be found cause I no I will make it so pleazzzz e-mail me and tell me how to do this.........Thanx??????
# 3 20 years ago

> Hi Hillary im Audrey and I was wondering if you could help me you see i have these friends and ever since I turned 6 years old I've wanted to be a singer and if you could help me with this I would be so great full I know how busy you are with the stuff your doing but I really need your help and do you think you would be able to see me and help me out because I live in McLean Illinois. P.S. Please Hillary it's my only chance.
# 4 20 years ago

> Hi Hillary it's me and I was wondering if you could help me you see i have these friends and ever since I turned 6 years old I've wanted to be a singer and if you could help me with this I would be so great full I know how busy you are with the stuff your doing but I really need your help and do you think you would be able to see me and help me out because I live in Mt.vernon Indiana. P.S. Please Hillary it's my only chance.
# 5 20 years ago

hi im 14 an want to be a singer ever since i was small i sing everywhere i dont care i just love to sing.I need help to get there tho some1 help me plz kelly
# 6 20 years ago

hi im 14 an want to be a singer ever since i was small i sing everywhere i dont care i just love to sing.I need help to get there tho some1 help me plz kelly
# 7 20 years ago

> >Hi my name is Elisha Im a 15 yr old girl looking for a futer in singing (I have an amazing voice and nowone can understand how I am putting my voice to no use I have sang sence I was 4 and now I want to turn this into my career. I need to now how to find perducers so I can be found cause I no I will make it so pleazzzz e-mail me and tell me how to do this.........Thanx??????
Hey my name is Audrey ,i'm not tha ready to help you become a singer. but see i want to becom e a singer too, if you don't mind i just wanted to hear you sing, please. please email me back
# 8 20 years ago

Yo I am thirteen years old I can dance and sing I have been starting up singing bands since I was in third grade. I really want to be famous I am a hard worker and if you please can help.
# 9 20 years ago

Rachelle Kirby
> Hi Hillary it's me and I was wondering if you could help me you see i have these friends and ever since I turned 6 years old I've wanted to be a singer and if you could help me with this I would be so great full I know how busy you are with the stuff your doing but I really need your help and do you think you would be able to see me and help me out because I live in Rochester Minnesota. P.S. Please Hillary it's my only chance.
# 10 20 years ago

> Hi Hillary it's me and I was wondering if you could help me you see i have these friends and ever since I turned 6 years old I've wanted to be a singer and if you could help me with this I would be so great full I know how busy you are with the stuff your doing but I really need your help and do you think you would be able to see me and help me out because I live in Rochester Minnesota. P.S. Please Hillary it's my only chance.
# 11 19 years ago

> Hey Hillary it's me and I was wondering if you could help me. Ever since I turned 4 years old I've wanted to be a singer and if you could help me with this I would be so great full I know how busy you are with the stuff your doing but I really need your help and do you think you would be able to see me and help me out because I live in Duncannon Pennsylvania. P.S. Please Hillary it's my only chance.
# 12 20 years ago

> >hey
My name is Jordon , I am 12 years old and am Female, and i too have a thing for singing. My friends tell me i am good at singing, and song wrtieing. and i just love it, i am not sure on how to help you, but if you get any help, contact me!!!!!!!!!!
i'am @
See Ya ~
Luv: Jordon
# 13 20 years ago

me and my friend brandy want to become singers and we have sung ever scence we could talk we have been friends forever and we would like to know how to get a deal can some one please help us oh ya we have great vocies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanx.............
# 14 20 years ago

im a really talented person ive been singing since i got a voice and now im bigger and better im not scared of anything plz help me
# 15 20 years ago

hi my name is ashley and every since I turned 12 my dream was to become a singer and all I want in life is to be a singer and i was wondering if you could help me I would be so thankful so get back with me soon to tell me what i can do
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