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HBO commercial "Take a crack at this not algebra or calculus" song title???

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# 16 20 years ago

"Algebra" by Soul Hooligan

# 17 20 years ago

Artist: Soul Hooligan : Title Algebra.

> What is the name of the song on the latest HBO commercial with the Sopranos, Catch me if You Can, Daredevil, etc. It has the lyrics "take a crack at this, not algebra or calculus". Can you please help me?
# 18 20 years ago

> What is the name of the song on the latest HBO commercial with the Sopranos, Catch me if You Can, Daredevil, etc. It has the lyrics "take a crack at this, not algebra or calculus". Can you please help me?

"Soul Hooligans---Music Like Dirt" The track is called "Algebra" It's avalible at Napster...awesome track!
# 19 20 years ago

> What is the name of the song on the latest HBO commercial with the Sopranos, Catch me if You Can, Daredevil, etc. It has the lyrics "take a crack at this, not algebra or calculus". Can you please help me?
# 20 20 years ago

> What is the name of the song on the latest HBO commercial with the Sopranos, Catch me if You Can, Daredevil, etc. It has the lyrics "take a crack at this, not algebra or calculus". Can you please help me?
# 21 20 years ago

So everyone knows...I've also been trying to find this song, I did send an e-mail to HBO asking for the name of it, if I find out I will return and get back to You guys...
# 22 20 years ago

Song is Algebra: by Soul Hooligan
# 23 20 years ago

anyone know where to dl the song from for free? i have kazza and its not on the list
# 24 20 years ago

> This song has mocked me for nearly 2 years. I heard it on the college radio here at school and when I tried to find the title the guys working at the station couldn't tell me cuz it was on their automated playlist. I swear, the song is pretty good, but I have to know the title for the simple fact that I don't have a clue who the artist or the song title is. Someone please help!!
# 25 20 years ago

It's "Algebra" by Soul Hooligan off their "Music Like Dirt" album.
# 26 20 years ago

> It's "Algebra" by Soul Hooligan off their "Music Like Dirt" album.

Changed subject to make it easier for people to see it's answered.
# 27 20 years ago

Artist: Soul Hooligan
Song: Algebra
CD: Music Like Dirt
# 28 20 years ago

Artist: Soul Hooligan
Song: Algebra
CD: Music Like Dirt

Here ya go... this is the song from the hbo promo, the "take a crack at this" song... Your welcome in advance... :P
# 29 20 years ago

Thank you sooooo much, I was looking for this song too.....
# 30 20 years ago

I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went on the HBO website and found an e-mail address to the company, well I wrote them asking the name and it's "Algebra" by Soul Hooligans!!!! I tried finding it on Kazaa and I have yet to do so, but atleast we know who it's by now!!! For all of You who do get this...make sure to let everyone else know b/c there are alot of other websites that wanted to know this song :)
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