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HBO commercial "Take a crack at this not algebra or calculus" song title???

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# 1 20 years ago

What is the name of the song on the latest HBO commercial with the Sopranos, Catch me if You Can, Daredevil, etc. It has the lyrics "take a crack at this, not algebra or calculus". Can you please help me?
# 2 20 years ago

I am also looking for this song title can't find it any where.

> What is the name of the song on the latest HBO commercial with the Sopranos, Catch me if You Can, Daredevil, etc. It has the lyrics "take a crack at this, not algebra or calculus". Can you please help me?
# 3 20 years ago

This song has mocked me for nearly 2 years. I heard it on the college radio here at school and when I tried to find the title the guys working at the station couldn't tell me cuz it was on their automated playlist. I swear, the song is pretty good, but I have to know the title for the simple fact that I don't have a clue who the artist or the song title is. Someone please help!!
# 4 20 years ago

HELP ME TOO! ahh its stuck in my head and i just wanna know what that song is!!
# 5 20 years ago

Me too I heard this on a college station and now today on HBO...WHAT IS THE DEAL. There is no info on the web on this song. Help!
# 6 20 years ago

Dammit, now I got this song stuck. I think it's a But seriously, if any of you can get the name of that song and pass it alone i think we will all be eternally grateful.
# 7 20 years ago

I heard a rumor that it is called
"Algebra" by Soul Hooligan. I haven't confirmed yet, but it's worth a look...
# 8 20 years ago

your are completely correct! Thanks! I have been looking for this song forever
# 9 20 years ago

> I heard a rumor that it is called
> "Algebra" by Soul Hooligan. I haven't confirmed yet, but it's worth a look...

I concur. LoL Ya it is
# 10 20 years ago

The song is called "Algebra" by Soul Hooligan
# 11 20 years ago

> What is the name of the song on the latest HBO commercial with the Sopranos, Catch me if You Can, Daredevil, etc. It has the lyrics "take a crack at this, not algebra or calculus". Can you please help me?
# 12 20 years ago

Soul Hooligan - "Algebra"

> What is the name of the song on the latest HBO commercial with the Sopranos, Catch me if You Can, Daredevil, etc. It has the lyrics "take a crack at this, not algebra or calculus". Can you please help me?
# 13 20 years ago

> Soul Hooligan - "Algebra"
> > What is the name of the song on the latest HBO commercial with the Sopranos, Catch me if You Can, Daredevil, etc. It has the lyrics "take a crack at this, not algebra or calculus". Can you please help me?

Wnnna see the video.....?

# 14 20 years ago

> Me too I heard this on a college station and now today on HBO...WHAT IS THE DEAL. There is no info on the web on this song. Help!
# 15 20 years ago

> What is the name of the song on the latest HBO commercial with the Sopranos, Catch me if You Can, Daredevil, etc. It has the lyrics "take a crack at this, not algebra or calculus". Can you please help me?
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